5 Month Old Pitbull

While puppies can be cute, it can be pretty tough trying to raise them. This is because training the puppy is not exactly the easiest thing that you can do. We say this because the manner that the puppy is being trained will determine its behavior when they are in their adult stage. This is exactly the same for humans too. And this is precisely why we have decided to write this article: Caring For A 5 Month Old Pitbull.

My Pitbull Puppy Seems A Little Skinny

Many pitbull owners have the impression (or rather, misconception) that their pitbull will be big and muscular from day one but they are just like any puppy! Understand that it can take up to a year before your pitbull starts to gain more muscle tone and mature weight. Being able to see some of your pitbull’s ribs doesn’t mean it is too skinny or underweight either. Check out this chart to have a better understanding of what to expect:

How Big Can Pitbulls Get? How Big Should My 5 Month Old Pitbull Be?

A little background on the pitbull breed first. We should first establish that there is no ‘standard’ for pitbulls because they are just a general name and not actually an AKC recognized breed. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier for example can grow up to 14 to 16 inches and may weigh anywhere from 24 to 38 pounds while the American Staffordshire Bull Terrier can stand as tall as 17 to 19 inches and weigh between 57 and 67 pounds. As you can see, there is quite a range. Not to mention that there are other variations in the breed such as American Bully, American Pitbull and more.

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To get Spencer to listen to a command I often find I have to say it like I mean it. Calmly, but in a very firm way. For example trying to get him to come; if just saying “come” does not work I put a little growl in my voice and walk toward him. As soon as he starts to come I back off to let him know thats what I wanted; for him to come to me. I am careful not to correct him, or be frustrated or angry when he gets to me, no matter what he was just doing because I do not want to teach him that coming is a bad thing. Whatever he is doing at the moment is what he thinks I am talking about or angry at. Therefore if he is eating horse poop, which he loves to try and do, and I tell him to come to me, I have to make sure I am not frustrated or he will feel it coming from me and it will confuse him. He will think coming to me causes me an unstable frustration. What he does understand is someone who is calm but has a demeanor of a mamma bear. They are not angry, they just mean what they say and one little pup had better just listen.

We were on our way for a walk in the woods. Spencer brings his bone. At the gate I have learned to take the bone from him and not allow him to bring it into the woods because he will only carry it for half the walk. He eventually will drop it to sniff something and forget to take it. I leave it at the gate and he picks it back up when we return.

Check out the size of those paws! Spencers mother is 60 pounds, short, wide and stocky at a few years old, and his father is 115 pounds, tall and wide in the chest at 18 months old. The father is most likely still filling out. Therefore it is very hard to tell just how big this pup is going to be. So far he is a bit shorter than his brother Bruno at the same age so it looks like Spencer will be in between his mother and father in the height department. Spencer’s weight seems to be keeping up with what Bruno’s was at the same age.

I walked Spencer through the chicken yard. Spence was carrying his bone in his mouth. I noticed the pup avoided any close chickens and walked around them. I saw no signs of the “hunt” in his eyes.


How big is a 5 month old pitbull?

During this time your 5-month-old puppy may appear to be going backward. Though they’ve already nailed housetraining, maybe they “forget” and have an accident. Or perhaps they’ve taken to ignoring or even running away from you—the “flight instinct” period falls into this time in your puppy’s development.

What’s the average weight of a 5 month old pitbull?

Pit bulls will continue to grow until they are two to three years of age. Pit bulls can reach their full height between 12 to 18 months old and full weight between two to three years old. But no matter what their height and age are, they will always look adorable wearing dog clothes or Cuban dog collars.

At what age is a pitbull full grown?

Pit bulls will continue to grow until they are two to three years of age. Pit bulls can reach their full height between 12 to 18 months old and full weight between two to three years old. But no matter what their height and age are, they will always look adorable wearing dog clothes or Cuban dog collars.