Are puppies in pain when they are teething? What to Know

Try meds or natural pain relievers

It’s always safest to go natural and pharmaceutical free. “Finding creative ways to calm discomfort and inflammation by delivering soothing cold and frozen treats and toys is recommended,” says Dr. Sieranski. However, there are some teething gels made for dogs that contain natural products such as chamomile, peppermint and clove oil which may help. It’s important to never use human products on your puppy.

Bully sticks are fully digestible (unlike rawhide) and last a long time. “Antlers and bones are too hard for puppies teeth and can break them. Bully sticks won’t chip their teeth,” says Dr. Sieranski. You buy them in sticks so they cannot possibly swallow them. Let your puppy chew on one end while you hold the other. It’s a great way to spend positive time with your baby, give them pain relief, and positively reinforce chewing on the right thing!Â

These toys are made of durable material and are shaped like bones or rings (or a few other attractive objects. They can be placed into the freezer and give hours of cooling relief,” says Dr. Sieranski can also be used as a fun fetch toy.Â

Are puppies in pain when they are teething?

What can I do to help?

The best thing you can do is provide plenty of safe, appropriate chew toys for your puppy. This means they can satisfy their need to chew without destroying any of your precious possessions! Try to have a variety of shapes and textures to choose from. Sometimes it can help to put their toys in the fridge or freezer for a little while so that they are cold. The cold can help to soothe their gums. Cold from the fridge vegetables such as carrots can also make chew toys that doubles as a snack!

If your puppy seems to be in a lot of discomfort then it may be a good idea to take them to the vet, just in case there is something more going on than just standard teething. Do not give your puppy any over the counter human painkillers, or any painkillers that have been prescribed for another dog without speaking to your vet. Not all human medications are suitable for dogs, and not all medications for adult dogs are suitable for puppies. So always check with your vet before giving anything.

Puppies Lose Their Incisors (Front Teeth) In Month 3

Puppies will begin losing baby teeth and growing their adult teeth at an individual rate.

However, most puppies begin losing their incisors (those tiny teeth at the front of the mouth) during the puppy’s third month, often towards the end of the third month. These lost incisors will let you know teething has started.

Is teething painful for my puppy?

The Puppy teething period, despite not lasting very long, often requires giving your pup some additional attention to keep them comfortable and occupied.

The following guide is intended to help new puppy owners understand what they might see, when they might experience it, and some helpful tips to make your pup more comfortable (and hopefully prevent you from losing any valuable shoes or housing items to chewing).