Why is my 10 week old puppy coughing? Here’s What to Expect

Symptoms of Kennel Cough in Puppies

Most cases of kennel cough cause mild disease, with symptoms that tend to be more aggravating to owners than dangerous to the puppy. However, if left untreated, kennel cough can develop into life-threatening pneumonia.

  • Cough
  • Nasal or eye discharge (less common)
  • Slight fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Kennel cough causes inflammation of the pups trachea and bronchi, resulting in a telltale cough that often sounds like a high-pitched honking. The cough can be prompted by excitement, drinking, or gentle pressure applied to the base of the puppy’s throat. Leash tugging may result in coughing, too. Nasal or eye discharge, fever, and loss of appetite are less common symptoms and are more likely to appear if the disease progresses, untreated.

    Symptoms of a kennel cough infection usually develop between two and 10 days following exposure, which is another good reason to quarantine new puppies.

    Why is my 10 week old puppy coughing?

    Causes of Kennel Cough

    Kennel cough is a condition that can be caused by one or a combination of different infectious agents, including:

  • Bordetella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma bacteria
  • Canine parainfluenza virus
  • Canine adenovirus-2 (CAV-2).
  • Kennel cough spreads through the saliva and nasal secretions. It can happen through direct contact when your puppy sniffs or licks an infected dog or a contaminated object in their environment. However, coughing also transmits the agents through the air from one dog to another.

    Diagnosing Kennel Cough in Puppies

    Your vet will diagnose kennel cough based on your pups recent history and clinical signs. For instance, if your puppy was recently adopted from a shelter or kennel—or spent time at a boarding facility—those are all risk factors. In most cases, its not important to identify the infectious agent responsible for a dogs symptoms, but tests can be run if that becomes necessary.

    Kennel cough can develop into a vicious cycle. The infection causes irritation that prompts a cough, which then causes even more irritation. Mild cases may resolve at home with rest and nursing care, but if a puppys symptoms are severe or fail to improve relatively rapidly, veterinary care will be necessary.

    Antibiotics may be required when bacterial infections are involved. Anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilators (which open breathing passages) may also be prescribed. If pneumonia develops, your dog will need more aggressive treatment.

    When your puppy suffers from congestion, there are home remedies to soothe its symptoms during convalescence.

  • Use a vaporizer to help unclog the nose. Put your pet in a fairly small room with a cool-mist humidifier and use it just the same as you would for a child a couple of times a day. This will not only help break up the congestion but also moisten irritated eyes and nostrils and make them feel better.
  • If you don’t have a vaporizer or humidifier, a hot shower can work. Take your dog into the bathroom with you and run the hot shower so that the air fills with steam. A 10-minute session several times a day works great—don’t go for longer than that, because too much hot, moist air can make it hard for some pets to breathe, especially short-faced bulldogs and pugs.
  • You can also use a warm washcloth or cotton balls to soak and soften eye or nose secretions and clean them off. Don’t peel dried matter off because that can hurt or damage the skin.
  • Refusing to eat and drink can make a puppy even sicker. Ask your vet about offering pungent and more tempting foods to spark a sick pup’s appetite. Warm the food for five seconds in the microwave to just below body temperature—about 95 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. That will unlock the aroma so the food smells more pungent and penetrates even a stuffy nose.

    Moisture also helps enhance the aroma, so try adding a bit of warm water or chicken broth to your dogs regular food. If your puppys appetite doesnt improve within 24 hours, call your veterinarian.

    With attentive care, puppies generally recover from kennel cough within a few weeks. Severe cases present the risk of pneumonia, which is a more serious condition and can be dangerous, requiring intensive veterinary care to avoid critical illness or death.

    Because kennel cough is highly contagious to other dogs, it is important to isolate a sick pup (or one that is coughing regularly) from other canines and watch for coughing in those that have been exposed. Infected pups may remain contagious to other dogs for several weeks, so isolation can be challenging in multi-dog households.

    Protective vaccinations against kennel cough are available. Some vaccinations are given by injection, while others are given as drops in the nose or mouth to stimulate whats known as a “local immunity.” Your veterinarian can advise you on the best option for your dog. Dogs at high risk for kennel cough may benefit from annual vaccinations; otherwise, this vaccine may only be administered before your puppy can be boarded at a kennel or attend puppy classes.

    “Kennel Cough”

    Its normal for your dog to cough every now and then. Its part of everyday life for an animal that can sniff 4 to 6 times per second. But if your dog does it a lot or can’t seem to stop, you may have a sick pup, and they may need treatment.

    Like us, dogs cough to get rid of dust, germs, and other stuff they breathe in.

    Dogs are social creatures that naturally sniff and slurp. This is why bacteria and viruses – including a canine form of the flu — quickly spread from dog to dog. Germs also can land on floors, furniture, food bowls, toys, and other surfaces where the next dog to come along picks them up.

    Your vet will examine your dog and run tests to find out if the problem is due to a virus, an infection, an allergy, or a different problem. The treatment will depend on the cause.

    Just like any other sick member of the family, your dog deserves a little TLC until their cough clears. Make sure they have plenty of water, healthy dog food, and rest. Steer clear if they want to be alone. Tell kids to let sleeping dogs lie, and keep them away from other dogs until they are well.

    The best way to keep your dog healthy is to prevent problems before they start. Make sure your dog gets their shots every year and gets heartworm prevention as directed. Dont let them play with other dogs who are coughing or sick.