Are dogs ears supposed to be warm? Expert Advice

How Warm Should My Dog’s Ears be?

A dog’s ears will typically range from 98-103 degrees Fahrenheit. A dog’s normal body temperature is 101-102.5 degrees.

A dog’s body temperature is regulated partially through the blood vessels in its ears. As a dog gets warm, the blood vessels will dilate and allow more blood to flow through the ear, which is relatively thin and able to be cooled by the air around it.

5 possible causes for your dog’s hot ears

Both bacterial and yeast ear infections could cause a dog’s ears to be hot. You might notice your pet shaking their head or scratching at their ears more than normal. If there’s redness, inflammation, or an odor coming from their ear canal, you’ll want to contact your veterinarian to check for an ear infection.

Other common causes of ear infections include:

  • Excess water trapped in the ear canal
  • Food or environmental allergies
  • Underlying health conditions like hypothyroidism
  • A mass in the ear canal (for example, a polyp) that can trap moisture and result in an infection
  • A build-up of wax
  • If your dog has sensitive ears or swims often, it’s recommended to clean their ears with a non-irritating dog ear cleaning solution.

    How warm should your pup’s ears be?

    Dogs’ normal body temperatures run a little higher than their human companions, usually between 99.5-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, so your dog’s ears should feel warm to you. Sometimes, though, their ears might feel warmer than usual, so the best way to tell if your dog is running a fever is to take their temperature.

    You can check to see if your dog has a fever by taking a rectal temperature using a digital thermometer with lubricant. Rectal thermometers give the best results, but a quality digital thermometer is your next best bet.

    If your dog’s temperature is above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, get them to an emergency vet as soon as possible.

    Why Are My Dogs Ears Hot (Answered and Explained)

    It can be an unsettling feeling when you pet your dog and notice that its ears are hot. Wondering “why are my dog’s ears hot” is a perfectly reasonable reaction. Who wouldn’t want their pup to feel healthy?

    There are several reasons why a dog’s ears are hot. It could be due to exercise or the weather, like a hot summer day. Sometimes, it’s due to an injury that may have harmed their ear. In serious cases, it could indicate that they’re sick.

    Let’s go through the primary reasons why your dog’s ears are hot. After that, we’ll go through some of the ways to determine whether your dog is just warm or in danger of being too hot.

    Taking your dog on extended walks or jogs can cause their internal temperature to increase. Just like people get hot when they exercise, dogs do, too! Exercise gets your dog’s blood pumping, causing an increase in body temperature.

    One way to determine that your dog’s ears are hot from exercise is by their energy levels. Sick dogs generally don’t have any energy to play or exercise. That means if you notice your dog’s ears are hot after playing fetch for an hour, it’s likely due to the exercise and not something more serious.

    Once your dog is indoors or goes into another cool area, its body temperature should begin to reduce. Provide them plenty of water because they may be thirsty after some intense playtime.

    Your dog’s fur is both a blessing and a curse, especially if you have a dog with long furs, like a Golden Retriever. Your dog’s fur helps keep heat trapped in the winter, but it can do the same in the summer. All that heat can cause a heat stroke.

    The most common cause of heatstroke in dogs is when their owner leaves them in a hot car. Heatstrokes can happen in other ways, though. They could get it by spending too much time in direct sun or if the humidity is too high.

    Dogs primarily release heat from their body by panting. When panting doesn’t regulate their temperature, their body temperature increases dramatically.

    The most obvious sign of overheating is excess panting and drooling. If you notice your dog is panting much more than usual, bring them to a cool place like an air-conditioned room. Provide them plenty of water. Place a cold compress on their neck and behind their ears. If their hot ears persist for more than a few minutes, take them to a veterinarian.

    If your dog has recently had an injury to its head or ears, it could be the reason its ears are hot. Common ear injuries are usually caused by:

    When your dog injures their ear, it commonly causes the blood vessels in their ears to swell. In severe cases, the ear injury will cause a blood vessel to rupture in their ear, which will cause the entire ear to swell.

    When parts of your dog’s body have excess blood flow caused by swelling, that part of their body will feel warm. So, if you’re petting your dog and notice their ear feels warm, look at it. If it looks and feels swollen, your dog’s hot ear could be caused by an injury.

    Ear injuries can be caused by ear infections. In serious cases, a ruptured or swollen blood vessel can get infected. It may always be best to err on the side of caution and take your dog to the veterinarian for testing and a diagnosis.

    The most serious reason why your dog’s ear is hot is because of an illness. Some illnesses, like viruses, will cause your dog to have a fever. Others, like ear infections, will cause their ear to become inflamed and swollen because of the infection.

    No matter the cause, if you suspect your dog’s ear is hot because of an illness, you need to visit a veterinarian. They’ll prescribe the appropriate medication to help alleviate any symptoms your dog may be experiencing.

    If you suspect your dog has a fever, give them cool water before taking them to a vet. The cold water will help make your dog feel better, even if it doesn’t get rid of the fever.

    The common signs of an ear infection include increased head-scratching, redness/swelling in the ear, and pain upon touch. If your dog is showing these symptoms, take them to the vet immediately.