Can a dog give birth 24 hours apart? A Complete Guide

Treatment of Stalled Labor and Delivery Problems in Dogs

To ensure the mother and puppies survive, prompt treatment is crucial. Dogs experiencing primary uterine inertia require an emergency cesarean section (C-section). Your vet may recommend oxytocin injections to stimulate contractions, although one vet notes most dogs with primary uterine inertia don’t respond to them.

In the case of secondary uterine inertia, the veterinarian may try to restart the labor and contractions. Calcium and oxytocin may be administered, but only if your dog and her puppies are in good health and not in distress. If one puppy is blocking the birth canal, your vet may try to reposition it. If a large litter is the cause, a C-section may be required. If the puppies arent breathing upon delivery, your vet will administer oxygen.

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What are Stalled Labor and Delivery Problems?

Stalled labor and delivery problems refer to abnormal uterine contractions during birth. There are 2 types of stalled labor and delivery problems in dogs: primary and secondary uterine inertia.

Primary uterine inertia is a rare condition that occurs when a dog doesn’t experience contractions at all. The presence of a dark green liquid called placental fluid is the only way to confirm she’s in labor. Secondary uterine inertia occurs when the mother dog has strong contractions that decrease in strength or disappear.

Both types are a form of dystocia, or difficult birth. Several factors can cause stalled labor and delivery problems, including your dog’s genetics and environment. If your dog is displaying signs of labor and it’s close to her due date, you should monitor her closely. Seek veterinary help immediately if:

  • your dog produces placental fluid without having contractions or birthing puppies
  • there’s a delay of 2 hours or longer between puppies
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    Stalled Labor and Delivery Problems Average Cost

    From 367 quotes ranging from $500 – $5,000

    Causes of Stalled Labor and Delivery Problems in Dogs

    Your dog’s age and weight may cause stalled labor and delivery problems. Overweight and older dogs have a higher risk of birth difficulties. Other causes of primary and secondary inertia in dogs include:

  • Small litters with only 1 or 2 puppies
  • Large litters that overstretch the uterus
  • Failure to produce hormones that trigger contractions
  • Puppy lodged in the birth canal
  • Low blood sugar
  • Calcium deficiency
  • Exhaustion of the uterine muscles
  • Physical traits (narrow pelvis, uterine torsion, etc.)
  • Uterine tumors or other obstructions in the birth canal
  • History of uterine inertia
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