Can dog poop go in compost bin? Tips and Tricks

Here’s How to Compost Dog Poop Correctly

Think youre ready to give poop composting a try? First, youll need to choose the best method thatll work with your routine. There are three ways to compost: hot compost, cold compost, and vermicompost. But in order to compost animal waste the safe way, only the hot compost or vermicompost method will work.

The hot compost method is a recipe that uses nitrogen from “green” materials (such as food scraps, grass clippings, coffee grounds, and poo) and carbon from “brown” materials (such as fallen leaves, sawdust, shredded newspaper, and straw) combined with water. You layer the materials, turn them regularly, and they heat up—essentially cooking the ingredients to produce compost. You can use a compost bin (wire, plastic, wood) to create compost this way. An important tip to keep in mind: For the hot compost method to destroy pathogens found in animal waste, the compost must reach 145ºF for several days.

Vermicompost is a composting method that uses redworms (called Red Wigglers) and microorganisms to convert organic materials into compost. The worms help decompose the waste, transforming it to make a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

Do’s and Don’ts for Using Compost Containing Animal Waste

Once your composted poo has turned into “black gold” for your garden, youll want to follow a few key guidelines to ensure you dont accidentally spread pathogens to your flower beds.

  • DON’T use composted animal waste in a food garden. If you are growing vegetables, berries, fruit trees, herbs, or even edible flowers—anything that produces food you will eat—use compost from another source. Not pet poop.
  • DON’T use composted animal waste around areas where children play, such as below swing sets or around play structures.
  • DO use composted animal waste in landscaping beds and around trees and shrubs.
  • DO wear rubber gloves and wash hands after handling dogs or dog waste.
  • Dog Waste Composters

    The problem with open compost piles is the risk of foul odors and attracting pesky flies.

    Commercial dog waste composters are available, which can help contain the compost pile in a smaller location. They also retain heat well to get the compost pile to the correct temperatures. And the lid helps reduce odors and access by flies.

    Many commercial products, such as the Doggie Dooley (Amazon link), include a limited supply of a digesting enzyme that can be added to the compost to speed up the process.

    Can dog poop go in compost bin?

    The downside of these products is that most are small and would only be suitable for small gardens and small dogs or one dog. If you have a larger garden, a large dog, or more than one dog, a traditional compost pile in a secluded location might offer the best solution.

    Dog Poo Compost – Recycling the SMELLY stuff into GARDEN GOLD