Can I fly to Europe with my dog? What to Know

Check the dog travel policies of your preferred airline.

On some airlines, like Delta, XL Air, or Air France, a few small dogs are allowed to travel in-cabin, while large dogs travel as cargo. Other airlines require that all pets travel as cargo. Keep in mind that many airlines don’t accept pets in cargo during the hot summer months, as this area isn’t air conditioned while the plane is on the runway.

Try to Minimise the Flight Duration

Another consideration to keep in mind is the length of a flight. When I last flew from Europe to the USA with my dog, I purposely organised my travels to fly from Paris to New York, to minimise the flight duration. This is especially important if you want to fly with your pet in the cabin.

In order to keep your flight duration to a minimum, consider taking a connecting flight on either end. For example, firstly fly from the West Coast to the East Coast, before flying on to Europe. Also consider taking a second flight within Europe to get to your final destination. This is also an option if you don’t find a pet-friendly airline that flies directly to your final destination.

Can I fly to Europe with my dog?

Travelling with pets: dogs, cats and ferrets

EU rules make it easy to travel to another EU country (in this case the 27 EU countries + Norway and Northern Ireland) with your dog, cat or ferret. These rules also cover travel to the EU from a country or territory outside the EU.

With a few exceptions, your pet can travel with you to another EU country or from a non-EU country to an EU country if it has:

  • been micro-chipped (in line with the technical requirements of Annex II of the EU Regulation on the movement of pets) or has a clearly readable tattoo if applied before 3 July 2011
  • been vaccinated against rabies
  • had treatment against the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, where your destination area is free from this tapeworm (Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Northern Ireland)
  • a valid European pet passport, when travelling from an EU country or Northern Ireland to another EU country or Northern Ireland or an EU animal health certificate, when travelling from a non-EU country.
  • The EU rules described above on travelling with pet animals apply to private journeys with pet animals which do not involve a change of ownership or sale.

    How To Fly With Your Dog Internationally EU/US (Do We Drug Our Dog?)

    Traveling abroad with a pet has become more and more common in recent years. People not wanting to leave their felines behind, and easier ways to take a pet in a trip, are among the main reasons for that.

    Many countries have established regulations and facilities for people entering and leaving their territories with pets, in order to make traveling safer and more enjoyable. The European Union as well, has established a regulation that sets all rules and conditions for pet owners to enter the territory of its 28 member states.

    Following in this article, you can find the EU regulation on traveling with pets explained shorty and clearly, containing all the information you need to know.