Can I give Benadryl to my dog? A Complete Guide

When to call your vet. In an emergency, you should always call your vet first. Your dog may experience anaphylactic shock from their allergies, or in rare cases, from Benadryl itself. Call the vet immediately if your dog is:Â

These may be signs of a serious allergic response that needs immediate treatment. Similarly, if your dog has been bitten by a snake or stung by an unfamiliar insect, call your vet immediately to ensure your dog has not been poisoned.Â

Benadryl overdose. Ignoring any of these guidelines can lead to an overdose of diphenhydramine, with symptoms ranging from seizures to respiratory failure to a coma, depending on the size of the overdose. If you believe your dog has overdosed on Benadryl, contact your vet immediately and follow their instructions for emergency treatment.

Almost all symptoms due to medication will be noticeable during the first hour after consuming the substance, so keep an eye on your dog for any changes in behavior. Dogs may also experience a number of more common, less dangerous side effects to Benadryl, like:

Risks of Benadryl for dogs. While the right dose of Benadryl is safe for most dogs, occasionally a dog may be allergic to the medication itself. An allergy to diphenhydramine will have similar symptoms to other allergies, including:

Can Dogs Take Benadryl for Anxiety?

Benadryl has some efficacy in the prevention of motion sickness in dogs and as a mild sedative, but the effects are not the same as with people. Some dogs and cats can actually have the opposite reaction to Benadryl, causing hyperactivity instead of sedation.

If your dog has anxiety, or they get nervous while traveling, talk with your veterinarian to determine a course of treatment. It might involve making changes to your dog’s environment, behavioral training, or tools such as anxiety vests and pheromones.

Is Benadryl Safe For Dogs To Calm Them Down?

Many dog owners will use Benadryl to calm their dogs down as it causes drowsiness in humans. Although Benadryl causes drowsiness in humans, it can have the opposite effect on dogs and cause hyperactivity instead of sedation, therefore Benadryl is not recommended for anxiety. If your dog does suffer from anxiety, is fearful of fireworks, or gets nervous when traveling, it is important to consult with your veterinarian as there are much better options such as calming supplements and medications, training, pheromones, etc.

Benadryl For Dogs? Dr. Dan Explains

NOTE: It is best to contact your veterinarian for guidance before administering any medication to your pet.

If your dog suffers from mild allergies or is experiencing an allergic reaction from an insect bite or sting, for example, it may surprise you to know that you can reach to your medicine cabinet for help. While other human drugs should NOT be used on our canine companions, Benadryl, when given in the correct dose, is generally safe to use, well tolerated and has a low risk of overdose in dogs.

Benadryl, also known by its active ingredient diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine that alleviates both human and dog allergy symptoms. Histamines are produced by the body in response to an allergen it wants to get rid of, triggering sneezing, itching, etc. Benadryl works by blocking histamine receptors, in turn, reducing allergy symptoms. It is important to bear in mind that Benadryl is not as effective for dogs as it is for humans, and is typically only mildly to moderately effective in alleviating mild allergy symptoms.

In this article, I will discuss when you can give your dog Benadryl, the proper dosage according to body weight, and its potential side effects.