Chicken is one of those things that people love to feed their dogs. It’s a lean protein that is also relatively inexpensive and comes in various forms.
As many of us know, chicken is a great source of lean protein for dogs, but does a rotisserie chicken provide the same benefits? Is there a risk to feeding dogs rotisserie chicken?
In short, yes, dogs can eat rotisserie chicken! However, the chicken should be cooked without using any seasoning or spices. The skin and bones should also be removed before feeding your dog. Otherwise, a rotisserie chicken can be a healthy lean protein source to supplement a dog’s diet.
The big things dog owners need to be worried about when feeding their dog rotisserie chicken are allergies, bones, chicken skin, and how it’s prepared.
If a dog has no chicken allergy, the skin and bones are removed, and it was not prepared with any seasoning or fatty oils, then a rotisserie chicken can be a healthy part of your dog’s diet.
In fact, many veterinarians recommend using rotisserie chicken as a way to mix up your dog’s protein sources or as a way to add some extra protein to their diet.
Two Potential dangers of rotisserie chicken
The only difference between these two types of chicken is that a shop bought rotisserie chicken will probably have been injected with brine before it has been roasted.
The chickens are injected with brine in order to keep the meat nice and moist as it cooks.
But most brines contain lots of salt which isn’t an ingredient that your dog needs more of in his diet.
Most chickens roasted at home will not have been injected by brine but then again they probably would have been rubbed with oil or butter prior to roasting.
But I will talk more about this later.
The second danger relating to rotisserie chicken is that shop bought rotisserie chickens are often the chickens which are close to their “sell by” dates.
Which is fine as long as these chickens are eaten within a day or so of being bought.
Contrary to popular opinion, dogs cannot eat rotten meat.
And rotten chicken might contain lots of nasty bacteria that could harm your dog.
Next up, I want to provide a quick comparison.
How do different cooking methods change the nutritional values of the chicken that our dog might eat?
But while you are carving up your Rotisserie Chicken for you or your family, your canine friend is almost certainly running loops around your legs, hoping to get some for themselves.
That being said, which parts of the Rotisserie Chicken and how you prepare it for your dog are important, and if certain steps are not followed, you are opening up your dog to potential issues.
Yes, dogs can safely eat Rotisserie Chicken meat, especially when it is in smaller quantities or on an infrequent basis, such as once per week. Rotisserie Chicken is likely to be extremely appealing to most dogs, and few will turn it down.
However, dogs can not safely eat a Rotisserie Chicken carcass after the meat has been removed.
Rotisserie Chicken is hugely popular across the United States and other countries thanks to its low cost and high convenience. It is often hard to resist picking one up at Costco while you do your weekly grocery shop.
Can My Dog Eat Rotisserie Chicken From Grocery Stores?
Yes, your dog can eat rotisserie chicken from the grocery store! However, you need to do is remove the skin and bones. Then remove any seasoning or spices that might be on the chicken.
Most of the seasoning will be on the skin however, some might soak onto the chicken. You can simply rinse it with water to help clean it off.
These can often be irritants to a dog’s stomach and cause digestive upset.
Once the skin, bones, and seasonings are taken care of, you can go ahead and cut the meat into small pieces or shreds. This will make it easier for your dog to eat and digest.
Can dogs eat rotisserie chicken breast?
What happens if your dog eats a whole rotisserie chicken?
Is Roasted chicken healthy for dogs?
Why is cooked chicken not good for dogs?