Do Pitbulls Snore? Snoring is typically regarded as a nuisance, but it can also be a source of tremendous enjoyment for certain people.
In fact, animals who do not snore frequently exhibit other obvious indicators, such as snoring louder than other dogs, inconsistent snoring, or other pet owners noticing the issue.
Can My Pit Bull Snore For No Reason?
For many snoring animals, like my Pit Bull who is healthy, there is no reason that can be attributed to snoring. It is something that the majority of the best man’s friends do and we can’t really know the reason.
Hence, if your animal:
the likelihood is that there will be no found cause of your dog’s snoring.
Regardless of that, it is still a good idea to mention to your vet that your dog is snoring so that he or she can check it up. Remember that vets are trained to spot symptoms that you cannot notice easily, and are able to know when a dog is in good shape or when sick.
Snoring Due to Narrow Airways
The interior part of a healthy dog’s throat is well designed to keep the dog cool and oxygenated. Tissue that is excessively floppy or too much tissue can lead to a contraction of the throat.
Hence, snoring will be more common in a Pit Bull breed due to its short muzzle. There is insufficient room in your dog’s mouth for the many soft tissues resting in there. Many short-nosed (brachycephalic) dogs also feature nostrils that are partially or fully blocked so that when you view from the front, the nostril opening is a crescent as opposed to a tunnel.
Why Did My Bit Bull Start To Snore All-Over Sudden?
Although your dog might have a shortened muzzle, it might have not snored before. One day you simply wake up and find your pet snoring in the middle of the night. This might be caused by the reasons that we will look from number 2 onward.
The Difference Between Snoring and Loud Breathing
Before we even look at the other reasons why your Bit Bull might snore, you need to note that we are talking about a dog that snores when asleep. Sometimes dog owners ask about animals that snore while standing or awake.
This isn’t snoring, it’s noisy breathing that is caused by other things – and you should be worried about this situation. Any dog that produces snoring sound while standing needs to be taken to a vet to be checked.
Okay, let’s continue and look at the other causes of Pit Bull’s snore.
Your dog’s nostrils can get obstructed or blocked temporarily, despite having breathed normally for a long time. A blockage can be a sign of a nasty infection or even a more serious form of blockage.
It is uncommon for these pets to get foreign materials in their nose, but when they do, they can start to snore. You might need to take your dog to your vet to get the material out.
However, in most cases, a blocked nose is caused by a build-up of mucous due to a respiratory infection, along with inflammation of its airway.
Just like a human, dogs are vulnerable to upper respiratory problems and infections. For instance, infections such as Kennel Cough can make the airways to become inflamed and obstructed and trigger a sudden snoring – which is temporary. A kennel cough is a type of canine flu.
If that is the situation, the snoring will eventually clear up once your Pit Bull recovers. However, you shouldn’t ignore your dog’s nasal discharges.
Hence, your vet might need to check your canine friend if it has any form of discharge from the nose. Don’t just assume it is a common cold. Note that dogs rarely catch colds and this discharge can be a clear sign of a hidden problem.
If you thought that it is only human who suffers from allergies, you are wrong since dogs also suffer from allergies. An allergy upsetting your Pit Bull’s airways might lead to snoring because of the swollen tissues in the throat and mouth and is usually accompanied by a clear watery nasal discharge.
A man’s best friend that is showing symptoms of an allergic problem for the first time should be checked by a qualified vet to ensure that there is no big problem going on. There are medications that can relive this symptom and can even reduce the snoring.
If your bit bull has never snored before and is now snoring, get it to the vet within today, to ensure that it’s checked. And if the vet notices anything unusual, he or she will recommend the right medication for your dog.
Why Do Some Pit Bulls Snore More Than Others?
There are a number of reasons why some pit bulls may snore more than others. One reason may be due to the anatomy of their throats and noses. Some pit bulls have narrower airways than others, which can lead to snoring.
Another reason may be due to weight. Pit bulls that are overweight are more likely to snore than those that are not. Other pit bulls may snore because of eating habits. Those that eat raw, uncooked meats and bones will often snore more than others.
Is it normal for Pitbulls to snore?
How do I get my pitbull to stop snoring?
- Try an air humidifier.
- Get a round bed for your dog to sleep on (the position will expand your buddy’s air passages)
- Use a pillow to prop up your sleepy sidekick’s head while he rests.
- Switch up the rooms your buddy sleeps in.
Why do pitbull puppies snore?