Do dogs really need rabies shots every 3 years? A Complete Guide

Dr. Ken Tudor Holistic Veterinarian

Do dogs really need rabies shots every 3 years?

Why can’t I do a blood titer instead? At The Well Dog Place, we are hearing these questions on almost a daily basis. They are good questions but the answer is not very satisfying. Presently, rabies vaccines have to be given to dogs every 3 years. Here’s why.


Rabies vaccines are given to protect people, not dogs. Because rabies is an always fatal disease after the onset of symptoms, the goal is to protect the public from contracting rabies. The rules are not made by veterinary organizations but by state and county human public health departments. They set the rules that veterinarians and animal shelters must follow. In California, the law reads that any dog must receive 3 rabies vaccines in the first 5 years of life. That means 1 is given at 3-4 months of age, then at 1 year and 3-4 months of age, and then 3 years later. After this, dogs are then required to be vaccinated every 3 years.

The regulations can vary between states and counties based on the amount of rabies detected in wildlife in that area. States and counties with high rates of wildlife rabies require yearly rabies vaccines for dogs! No public health agency accepts rabies blood titers as proof of protection.

The Good News

  • Â Recent research suggests that rabies vaccines may only be needed every 5 years. This study may help change existing public health rabies rules.
  • Despite the online chatter, rabies is not the leading cause of allergic vaccine reactions. Distemper, Parvovirus and especially, Leptospirosis, vaccines are more commonly associated with vaccine reactions. Many veterinarians give these vaccines yearly although it is not necessary. It is this overvaccination for these diseases that is probably responsible for the suspected problems associated with over-vaccinating.
  • Mercury-free rabies vaccines are now available. Mercury is the suspected cause of injection site cancers.
  • For now, there is no alternative for the California rabies vaccination regulations. Here at The Well Dog Place we follow that law but have always used mercury-free rabies.

    We do not like to over-vaccinate or give unnecessary vaccines. Instead, we do vaccine titer tests for Distemper and Parvoviruses and vaccinate only when the tests indicate that your dog does not have protective titer protection from any of these diseases. We recommend Bordetella, or Kennel Cough, the vaccine only for high-risk puppies (socialization classes, daycare, etc.) or when groomers, boarding facilities, or other dog-related businesses require them. Other vaccines are unnecessary for most dogs so do your research and decide if your dogs lifestyle puts them at risk for these diseases (Lyme’s, influenza, corona, etc.) before considering vaccination. AuthorKen Tudor DVM

    Do dogs really need rabies shots every 3 years?

    Dr. Ken Tudor is a recognized expert and leader in the field of pet nutrition and fitness. He has developed a pet weight management program and served on the American Animal Hospital Association task force to develop their Weight Management Guidelines for Dogs and Cats. He is also a frequent guest on the Pet World Insider radio show and a popular guest on the televised Pet Ex Talks-Pet Experts Empowering Pet Parents show.

    Recommended Rabies Vaccine Schedule for Your Dog

    Each state has its own laws for the required rabies vaccine schedule for dogs.

    In most states, the first rabies vaccination is generally given to puppies at or before 16 weeks of age. The second rabies vaccination is given one year after the first vaccine.

    Then, your dog will be vaccinated every year or every three years depending on the state law and the vaccine used.

    Your veterinarian is your best resource for your state’s rabies vaccination requirements. The AVMA also maintains a list of state rabies laws.

    Minimum Duration Of Immunity For Canine Vaccines

    Here’s the minimum duration of immunity for common vaccines. (Challenge means the researchers exposed the animal to the disease and serology means they measured blood antibody levels.)

    Distemper – 7 years by challenge/15 years by serologyParvovirus – 7 years by challenge/7 years by serologyAdenovirus – 7 years by challenge/9 years by serologyCanine rabies – 3 years by challenge/7 years by serology

    Dr Schultz concluded …

    And yet many vets continue to vaccinate annually. Dog owners even feel they’re lucky if their vets vaccinate every 3 years instead of every year. But why do we allow it? This information has been available for about 30 years. And researchers have replicated the studies time and again.

    Do dogs need rabies shots every year?

    How often should dogs get rabies shots? It depends on which kind of rabies vaccine you get. Some rabies vaccines are good for one year, which require an annual vaccination booster shot. The more popular option is the rabies vaccine that lasts three years, in which case your dog will only need a booster every three years.

    According to the UC Davis School of Veterinary medicine: “Adult dogs with unknown vaccination history should also receive a single dose of killed rabies vaccine. A booster is required one year later, and thereafter, rabies vaccination should be performed every 3 years using a vaccine approved for 3-year administration.”

    The rabies vaccine is one of four core vaccines that every dog needs to get during their lifetime (and which many states require by law).

    In addition to vaccination against the rabies virus, core dog vaccinations include canine parvovirus (CPV), canine distemper virus (CDV), canine adenovirus (CAV). Let’s break down what each of these vaccines protects your pup from and what kind of vaccination schedule is required for upkeep.

    Canine parvovirus is most common among puppies between six and 20 weeks old. Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine describes it as “…a highly contagious viral disease of dogs that commonly causes acute gastrointestinal illness in puppies.”

    Parvo is highly contagious. Because of this, the CPV vaccine is one of the essential shots you must not overlook. A booster is required a year after the initial series, then every three years.

    Distemper is a nasty viral disease that is also highly contagious. It is a fatal disease that affects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems.

    There is no cure for CDV. As such, dog owners need to take vaccination seriously. After initial vaccination, puppies will need a booster a year later. Puppies get at least three doses between 6-16 weeks of age (or 2-4 months of age). Adult dogs need a booster every three years or more.

    CAV-1 causes hepatitis in dogs, which affects the liver. This is the more severe version of adenovirus as it is fatal in 10-30% of cases.

    CAV-2 is similar to kennel cough. It’s called “kennel” cough because it is most commonly transmitted in environments where many dogs interact with each other regularly such as boarding facilities, dog parks, and doggy daycares.

    This type of adenovirus is a dry, hacking type of cough that is often accompanied by nasal discharge.

    Like with the parvo vaccination, adenovirus requires puppies to get a booster after one year, and adult dogs every three years after the initial series.

    Non-core vaccines are given based on your dog’s individual risk factors, lifestyle, and environment. Dogs living in an area with little-to-no exposure to the kind of ticks that carry Lyme disease would not require a Lyme vaccination, for example.

    The benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks, however, some dogs might experience side effects. Mild side effects include appearing tired or having soreness at the injection site. A firm bump or swelling may appear where the shot was given, but this goes away within one to two days.