Do older dogs have trouble regulating body temperature?
Older dogs can’t regulate their body temperature as well as they could in their younger days. It is important to keep your dog warm, dry, and indoors when he’s not out getting his exercise. Senior canines are also more sensitive to heat and humidity, so protect them from conditions in which they may overheat.
Overheated dogs can suffer heat exhaustion, heat stroke or sudden death from cardiac arrhythmias. Panting, followed by disorientation and fast, noisy breathing could signal overheating. … For serious overheating, your dog may need a breathing tube and artificial ventilation.
A good rule of thumb? If the outdoor temperature falls below freezing, you should not allow your dog to spend long periods of time outdoors, as low temperatures can cause frostbite and paw injuries. Check your dog’s ears and tail tip to see if they are cold, hard, or white, red or gray in color — these are all indications of frostbite, meaning a trip to the vet is inevitable.
Even if you live in hot and sunny climates such as Arizona, Florida and California, the temperatures can dip and get below freezing at night. If you live in colder spots throughout the country, you and your dog may have to battle the rain, ice and cold. During the winter season, many dogs feel the cold as much as their owners do, especially when they are not used to frigid temperatures. Both puppies and older dogs are more vulnerable to colder temperatures than dogs in their prime years. Additionally, certain breeds of dogs are bred for the snow and cold. These include mastiffs, sheep dogs, Bernese mountain dogs, and Alaskan malamutes, for instance. And although your dog may have a fur coat, it does not help in the bitter cold. Know that dogs with a double coat are able to stay warmer than those with a single coat, as they lack an undercoat.
Whether your dog is a puppy, a senior, or in between, keep him as healthy as possible!
I’m Counting on You for Change
We provide many things for our dog throughout their lives, and it is a give-and-take relationship. As they get older, many of their needs may change, and it is important for us to keep up with those changes. Some things that you may need to change include their diet, their exercise routine, and even how frequently they visit the veterinarian.
Senior Dogs Habitual Behavior Problems
Having a dog in our life is something that many of us consider to be a privilege. In many cases, we have seen the dog grow from an energetic puppy, and over the years, develop into a companion who is as much a part of our family as any human (and in some cases, even more).
Now that our dog has grown older, it’s important to give them the care they deserve. The problem is, dogs can’t communicate with us by telling us outright what they need. If they could talk, however, they would remind us of these seven important things about being an older dog.