The Dreadlock Dog is usually a nickname given to the Hungarian Puli, but it is also used for Komondors and Bergamasco sheeodogs. Dreadlock dog breeds have long firm cords of fur rather than a soft and silky coat. Their hair naturally mats at around 9 months old as their fine hair turns coarse, forming into dreadlocks. You need to help your dog to stay comfortable by thinning and forming the fur into strips. Today we’ll share Puli grooming videos, pictures and instructions to help you keep your dog’s coat in the best condition. We’ll look at how they are bred or brushed into this woven, corded shape. And why some dogs have dreadlocks and others don’t. We’ll give you top tips for caring for your Dreadlock dog’s unusual fur, and for deciding which Dreadlock dog breed’s traits are the best match for your family and lifestyle.
Dreadlock dog is also a moniker given to the style hair of hair you can find in the Spanish Water Dog, Poodle and even Havanese too. Though most well kept dogs of those latter three breeds don’t grow dreads naturally. Have you ever come across a dreadlock dog in real life? Dreadlocks are generally associated with people, but did you know that some breeds of dogs can also have dreadlock hairstyles? If you’ve ever seen a dog that looks like it has dreadlocks, the chances are that it will be one of the breeds we’re going to discuss in this article. But before we go on to look at what breed of dog has dreadlocks, let’s look at what makes a dreadlock dog!
Cleaning your dog’s dreadlocks is important. Not only does the oil need to be kept at bay, but they can also have dirt, allergens, and other debris lurking inside. That being said, tossing your pet in the tub is not going to work. Dreads need to be submerged in soapy water and then wrung out thoroughly. They also need to be dried well, otherwise, they can become musty. Typically, groomers will use a drying machine, as it can take days to dry naturally.
Among all the breeds we’ve covered, the curly-coated Poodle is the one dog who tends to look more like a lamb than a mop. Poodles are one of the most fastidiously-groomed of all dog breeds. From puffed tails to pompadoured heads, Poodle presentation has become a fine art.
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Cording and matting is natural for the Havanese, but can be more problematic for this smaller dog breed. The process of matting is shorter for Havanese dogs; their coats can be a mess of matted fur within only two years. This is a breed for whom cording should be managed by a professional groomer or a well-practiced hand. Havanese require consistent, if not daily, brushing to keep mats and cords from forming on their own.
For longtime Havanese owners, coat maintenance is less like grooming and more like cultivating a vineyard or trellising tomatoes; it takes a certain amount of skill and dedication. Since these are small dogs, if they are allowed or encouraged to produce carefully tended dreadlocks, having shorter hair than the Bergamasco means they’re relatively easier to bathe and dry. No matter how thickly knotted their coats, Havanese are always heat and cold sensitive, so their cording tends to be an aesthetic choice.
With a typical lifespan of 15 years, it takes a full year before the strange-looking coat even begins to assume its wonted form. By the age of 5, a Bergamasco’s coat reaches its full length and texture. The accumulation of mats and cords serves a number of useful purposes. They regulate the dog’s body temperature, guarding it against bracing Alpine cold and summer heat. For their own part, the scaly-looking mats not only resemble the skin of lizards and armadillos, but also serve the same protective function. Where most sheep dogs depend on size to intimidate predators, the Bergamasco’s coat also serves as a kind of follicular body armor.
Spanish Water Dogs
The Spanish Water Dog is a helpful canine that was bred to herd cattle on the waterfront. This energetic and friendly pooch has no problem jumping in the water for a swim and is just as much at home in the family living room. Ready to tackle a long day of work, this pup needs a firm hand to teach them the rules.
This is also another breed whose fur will naturally mat into long cords with little outside help. The Water Dog has a single coat of fur that is wooly, thick, and curly. As they age, the curly coat will merge and lengthen, making a thick layer of dreadlocks.
These locks form a protective layer around the pooch for water activity. The cords add a layer of warmth around their internal organs, plus it’s also water-resistant, so the fur and skin underneath will not get wet. Overall, this dreadlock dog uses its stylish coat for swimming, as well as appearance.
Why do some dogs have dreadlocks?
Do you have to dread Komondor?