Filing Dog Nails Instead Of Clipping

Dog needs their nails clipped just like you and I do. Without maintaining your dogs nails, they can grow long enough that dew claws grow in a curve and can end up digging into the skin on your dog’s legs. Nails on toes can split or become so long that they get snagged on carpets or vegetation. In addition, long toenails can interfere with your dog’s tractions on slippery floors.

The problem is, when clipped with clippers, it is possible to cut the nails too short, cutting the quick of the nail, which is very painful. Some owners and dogs are extremely anxious about the nail clipping process. If a dog has had his nail cut too short in the past, the dog can be anxious and uncooperative having his nails cut, which can make the job difficult and increase the owners discomfort clipping nails. There are alternatives to using clippers to cut your dog nails which include nail files and Dremel type tools. Dogs that are active outside and are frequently on hard terrain or able to dig often do not need their nails shortened as often as dogs that do not have outdoor access. Working dogs and farm dogs may rarely need to have their nails addressed, as they are shortened naturally from activity.

Can You File Dog Nails?

Yes, in fact it might be a better option instead of clipping, and you want to do it when the tips become sharp, and ragged (looking like they could catch on carpet or a shirt).

If you do clip your dogs nails, you can file them to prevent the nail from cracking when clipping or cutting the quick.

File Dog Nails with an Emery Board

Filing Dog Nails Instead Of Clipping

I myself use an emery board to file my pups nails as he is a smaller dog with thinner smaller nails and doesn’t really like the noise of a dremel or battery powered nail file, however it can take some time to do it this way and takes patience.

It is best to always handle your pups paws from day one…I will massage my dogs paws without doing any filing or trimming so he knows that not every time will be a stressful moment. And I always reward him with his favorite treats when he has done well.

You will find a couple very instructional video links below that will help you determine which will be the best way to file your dog’s nails at home. (these could also work for cats )

Filing Keeps The Integrity Of The Nail

Canine nails are thick and tough. Clipping them can easily cause splitting and peeling of the nail.

The great force exerted can cause breakage. Split and broken nails can wreak havoc for your dog and your household. It may actually cause pain for the poor pooch.

Filing greatly reduces the likelihood of splitting and peeling.

Nail files designed by dog nail care experts have double sides. Some are made of safe and quality materials such as crystal glass to make the grooming experience easy and fun for your dog.

If you notice your Fido’s nails breaking unnecessarily, clipping might be the reason.

In that case, make the switch to filing. You won’t regret the decision.


Can I file my dogs nails instead of clipping them?

Many pet owners prefer the use of a motorized nail file or Dremel tool that is often less stressful for dogs, as it eliminates the pinching sensation associated with clippers. Manual filing is time-consuming, but for an extremely anxious dog, it may be a viable alternative to clippers or motorized instruments.

Is it better to grind or cut dog nails?

Nail Clipping:

It is quiet and less likely to scare a dog than the buzz of the grinder. It is faster, so the process is quick. This may work best if you have a dog that doesn’t sit still for long.

Can I fill my dogs nails?

You can take your dog to a dog salon or the veterinarian for a proper nail trimming and filing, but doing it yourself is much more cost-effective. Your dog may squirm and try to get away the first few times you cut and file his nails, but once he is used to it the process will be easier.