Frequent What happens when a dogs stomach turns? Tips and Tricks

What can be done to treat bloat or GDV?

This is an immediate and life-threatening emergency and requires immediate veterinary intervention. It is imperative that the pressure on the stomach wall and internal organs is reduced as soon as possible. The veterinarian may first attempt to pass a stomach tube. If this is not possible due to twisting of the stomach, a large bore needle or catheter may be inserted through the skin into the stomach to relieve the pressure in the stomach.

Shock treatment must begin immediately, using intravenous fluids and emergency medications. Once the patient becomes stable, surgical correction of the GDV must be performed. It may be necessary to delay this major abdominal surgery until the patient is able to undergo anesthesia.

If you think your pet has bloat, get them to a clinic right away. If dogs dont get treatment in time, the condition can kill them.

If your dog is in shock, the vet will start giving them fluids through an IV immediately, usually with antibiotics.

The vet will take X-rays to see if their stomach is twisted. If it is, your dog will have emergency surgery to untwist it and put it back in its normal position. The vet also will fix the stomach to prevent GSV in the future. Theyll also check to see if the condition damaged other parts of their body.

Bloat happens when a dogs stomach fills with gas, food, or fluid, making it expand. The stomach puts pressure on other organs. It can cause dangerous problems, including:

In some cases, the dogs stomach will rotate or twist, a condition that vets call gastric dilatation volvulus (GSV). It traps blood in the stomach and blocks it from returning to the heart and other areas of the body. This can send your dog into shock.

Why does the dog collapse?

The gas filled stomach presses on the large veins in the abdomen, which carry blood back to the heart. This pressure compromises the circulation of blood throughout the body.

Vital tissues are deprived of blood and oxygen, resulting in systemic shock. In addition, the pressure of the gas on the stomach wall results in inadequate circulation to the wall, causing tissue death within the stomach. Digestion ceases and toxins begin to accumulate in the blood, worsening the shock. As the stomach continues to swell, the stomach wall can rupture.

Bloat in Dogs: Signs to Watch For, What To Do