Make Sure Your Dog Is Getting Plenty of Rest
Rest is very important for your dog while recovering from kennel cough.
Try to reduce the amount of exercise your dog gets on a daily basis while they are recovering from kennel cough—this can help with healing and reduce coughing spells.
Many dogs with kennel cough can recover without complication; however, some dogs can become very sick with life-threatening pneumonia.
Dogs that are more susceptible to complications from kennel cough include:
How Do I Treat My Dog’s Sore Throat?
If your dog has a sore throat:
Antibiotics will be given if there is a respiratory or sinus infection. Antibiotics may also be prescribed if there is a foreign object stuck in the dogs mouth or throat, which has to be extracted by the vet or surgically removed.
Herbal tea may be administered with a teaspoon of peppermint, sage, and thyme in the mixture.
Feed your pup canned food with some water added in to soothe his throat.
Your dog should recover from a typical sore throat within three days to a week. Once you begin administering treatment, you should see improvement within a day or two. However, if the situation is more serious, it can take as long as two weeks to a month.
Use Your Shower to Do Steam Therapy
If you’re taking a hot shower or bath, let your dog stay in the closed bathroom with you—but not in the shower or bath. The hot shower can provide steam therapy and also help to decrease irritation.
Sore Throat Remedies For Dogs and Cats (and People!)
It can be difficult to tell when a dog has a swollen throat. A dogs morphology means they have a horizontal body position with their neck and spine in alignment. They need to have strong neck muscles to support their head and to protect their throat. For this reason, when we see swelling in the throat it might be only once it has progressed significantly or when we see other signs of the underlying cause. The pharynx is the word for the area at the back of the throat and pharyngitis is when this area becomes inflamed.
At AnimalWised, we explain why my dog has a swollen throat by looking at pharyngitis in dogs. We look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of this problem, but remind you a veterinarian is the only one who will be able to diagnose and treat your dog. You may also be interested in:
The pharynx is the area at the back of the dogs throat which connects the mouth and nasal passages. The tonsils are located in this area at the sides, just as they are in humans. Tonsils are made of lymphatic tissue and play a part in the dogs immune system.
When the pharynx is swollen, they are said to have pharyngitis. There are many different causes of pharyngitis in dogs with the resultant problems being more or less severe. Although the problem can be mild, it is still important to go to a veterinarian to rule out a dangerous pathology which has a swollen throat as a symptom.
It is common for the tonsils and pharynx to become inflamed at the same time, meaning they have concurrent tonsilitis and pharyngitis, respectively. We might suggest they have a problem with their throat if the dog makes gulping sounds. This is because the swelling causes difficulty swallowing. This can be life threatening if the inflammation restricts airways.
Various causes can lead to a dog having a swollen throat. Some are associated with oral infections, while others can be related to the sinuses or respiratory tract. There are also systemic diseases such as canine distemper or canine parvovirus which can have a swollen throat as a symptom. The inflammation is usually due to a viral or bacterial infection, both primary and secondary.
When a foreign object is lodged in the back of the throat, it can cause inflammation. Bacterial infection can occur as a secondary problem, especially if the mucus membranes are pierced. When the dog suffers from immunodepression, they are more susceptible to viruses and other diseases which can lead to a swollen throat. Also, when a dog vomits due to gastrointestinal upset, the gastric acid can cause the throat to become inflamed.
Sudden changes in temperature and drafts are predisposing factors for developing pharyngitis. The widespread custom of allowing the dog to travel by car with his head out the window is discouraged for this reason.
Apart from the dog having a swollen throat, the following symptoms are common and characteristic of pharyngitis in dogs:
When the dog develops fever, it can lead to lethargy and a reduction in activity. When a bacterial or viral infection occurs, it is common for there to be pus around the pharynx and/or tonsils. The infection can also lead to blood appearing in their spit. Since the blood is from the throat, it should be fresh. If you see darkened blood, it means there is a gastrointestinal problem.
Since blood coming from a dogs mouth, the presence of pus or any of the other symptoms described above can be related to serious illness, it is important we take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as we observe them. They will be able to to look at the overall clinical picture and determine the cause.
As we discussed at the beginning, canine pharyngitis can be associated with infections of the mouth, sinuses or respiratory tract. In cases of bacterial infection, the vet will likely prescribe an appropriate antibiotic treatment. If the infectious cause is unclear, a broad-spectrum antibiotic will be administered. All medications must be prescribed by a veterinarian. We should never medicate the dog ourselves. In addition, anti-inflammatories and cough suppressants may be required, depending on the symptoms.
Although treatment will be dictated by the veterinarians recommendations, there are ways to help support the dog through their recovery. Since the swelling can make eating difficult, we should find ways to help them swallow. Until the swelling has reduced, it will be better to offer them wet food instead of dry feed. In cases where this is not possible, you can wet the dry feed with a little water and make it easier to swallow. To help them find the resultant porridge more palatable, you can add dog-friendly broth.
If the dog still has problems swallowing due to a swollen throat, we can warm it up a little in the microwave or on the stove. We can also make homemade food which they might find more palatable. They will always need to be healthy and appropriate for dogs, something you can learn more about in our article on the BARF diet for dogs.
Once our dogs diet is regulated, there are other ways to help a dog recover from a swollen throat. Firstly, we will need to ensure we keep them in a warm dry place as humidity and cold can help bacteria proliferate. We need to keep them out of the rain, walk them in fresh air and avoid bathing unless completely necessary. We also need to provide plenty of affection to help their mood.
If the swelling does not go down or the dog develops other symptoms, we need to take them to the veterinarian.
This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.
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