How do you heat up a dog house? Find Out Here

Tips and tricks to help you heat a dog house

If you’re considering getting your dog a home of their own outside, then you may be thinking up ways to ensure their little house is heated, cozy, and comforting. When it comes to heating your dog’s unique and personalized house, safety is the No. 1 factor to consider. If you’re wondering how to safely heat an outdoor dog house, you certainly aren’t alone. Luckily, there are a variety of safe ways to keep your dog’s outdoor home just as warm and cozy as inside your own home. Contents

  • Outdoor dog house
  • Dog bed (recommended)
  • Doggy door, or
  • Insulation material and tools, or
  • Dog house heater (plus experienced electritian), or
  • Temperature-controlled heating pad, or
  • Solar panels, or
  • Dog house temperature monitor
  • Of course, before letting your dog outside during the winter months, you’ll want to be sure to pay attention to the temperatures to ensure that it’s not too low for your pup to be outdoors. As soon as temps fall below freezing, and especially if they inch even lower to 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below, experts advise keeping your pets inside.

    Add a heating pad.

    Consider a warmer to help heat your doghouse. Heres a simple, low-tech, DIY doghouse heater: Make a heating pad by filling a sock with uncooked rice. Tie a knot or use a zip tie to close the sock and microwave it for a few minutes before placing it in the doghouse. Granted, this is a short-term fix, but one that works and doesnt need to be plugged in! For something that keeps up the heat (and does plug in), consider a heat lamp mounted to the ceiling. Or, a heating pad placed on the floor to spread heat throughout the doghouse to keep your pooch comfortable.

    Shop now: Original Lectro-Kennel Outdoor Heated Pad, $80;

    How do you heat up a dog house?

    Credit: Courtesy of Amazon

    Just Add Hay

    Hay is an excellent insulator. There’s a reason that you see it in barns. The spaces between the straws trap heat. It’s also inexpensive and easy to replace and less messy versus other bedding materials. We’d suggest putting a cloth covering over the hay to prevent skin irritation.

    How to winterize a dog house

    Some dogs prefer living outside, no matter what the weather. It’s often tied to their original purpose and its place with the climate. Think sled dogs that endure harsh winters, ice between their pads, and wind chills that would test the strongest man.

    When outfitting your dog’s outdoor digs for the elements, the first rule is that your pet must be cold tolerant. It’s cruel to expect any modifications to make a warm-weather pooch like a Greyhound comfortable if he doesn’t have sufficient body fat or a thick enough coat to keep your pet warm.

    Let’s explore the possibilities for each group. You may find that a combination of methods will work best. The point is that you have several options for finding that optimal comfort level for your dog. Here’s how to keep pets warm without electricity: