How do you settle a dog when moving house? Essential Tips

Don’t Buy New Dog Gear Yet

It’s natural to want to buy new stuff when you move to a new house. But in the beginning, keep your dog’s old stuff for at least a few weeks until they’re used to the place. Yes, I know it’s not ideal to bring a nasty, fur-covered old dog bed and water bowls with dings in them to your new home, but those things are comforting to your dog, so don’t take them away. If your urge to buy new things for your dog is overwhelming, indulge it with new toys or things to chew on.

Do Give Your Dog Lots Of Loving

Playing, walking, and just being with your dog sounds simple enough (after all, that’s what you normally do, right?). The problem is that when you move, you can become so overwhelmed that you may unintentionally ignore your dog or skip their walk. So commit to spending quality time with your dog every day and that will help them out a lot.

Keep Up Regular Routines and Schedules

Dont get lax about walks or play times. If your dog normally goes for walkies at 5 p.m., then be sure to take them at that time. If your dog always likes to play tug or fetch after dinner, make sure you offer up those games. Their feeding schedule should also stay the same, and the location that you feed them should be similar to what they have known in the past. For instance, if you always feed your dog dinner in your kitchen at the same time you ate dinner in your previous home, do that in this new home. Also, now is not the time to try new dog foods or test out a new collar or harness. Keep things the same as much as you can.

How To Introduce Your Dog To A New House | Moving Archie The Cavapoo

Most people have experienced moving house, but have you ever tried moving with a dog? Some dogs are relatively happy-go-lucky and don’t appear too fazed after moving from one house to the next. But for other dogs, being uprooted from their familiar surroundings and put into a new home can be downright traumatic.

Some dogs are more likely to be affected by moving house, particularly older dogs, dogs with chronic health conditions, and dogs who rely on a strict routine to ward off anxiety. Added to this is the fact that dogs are naturally territorial, causing a dog to feel a great sense of belonging in their current house and to feel naturally uneasy and uncomfortable in their new surroundings.

Luckily, there are several steps you can take to make the moving process as simple and stress-free as possible. Read on for the ultimate guide to moving houses with a dog and learn how to help your dog adjust to their new surroundings without any unnecessary stress or anxiety.

They say moving is one of the most stressful events in our lives, right up there with the death of a loved one and divorce. Between arranging mortgage or rent payments, setting up new utilities, packing, cleaning, hiring movers or convincing your friends to help out, there is a lot to coordinate and never enough time. But don’t forget to add your dog onto your already massive to-do list. You at least understand why you are so stressed out, but your dog has no idea what is going on! So our pets tend to get even more stressed than us during a big move.

People often notice problems or behavior changes during or after moving to new home. Your dog may start showing destructive or attention seeking behaviors such as chewing, digging, barking, or even going to the bathroom in your house, something they haven’t done since they were a puppy! If you haven’t noticed any behavioral changes yet, you still may have noticed your dog showing other signs of stress. These signs can include panting, pacing, yawning, lip licking, whining, clinginess, and even diarrhea. Obviously, stressing out your fur baby was not your intention, so below are our top 5 tips for reducing your dog’s stress during the move.

1. Keep up your routines! While trying to get everything done, you must adjust all of your routines and priorities. Sometimes scheduling in your dog’s daily walk just isn’t possible. However dogs are creatures of habit and the familiarities offer them comfort and security. So keep their routines (meal times, bedtime, walks, etc) as consistent as possible to avoid added stress.

2. Pack your dog’s items last and unpack them first. If everything in the house is changing, your dog will take comfort in the things they know such as their bed or kennel. Give your dog this comfort by packing those items last then unpacking them in the new house first to help your pup settle in. A new home often means a clean start. However, we suggest not washing their bed or blankets before moving. The scent from their bed can also help them settle into their new home quicker.

3. Board your dog during the actual move. You coming in and out of the house, having everything in boxes being moved around, then leaving your pup alone in an empty house can all be very stressful to a dog. Having a friend watch them or taking them to a kennel or dog daycare for the day will help avoid unnecessary stress and keep them safe during all the coming and going.

4. Consider anti-anxiety tools. Talk to your veterinarian or trainer about different ways to manage your dog’s anxiety. There are many different options such as thunder shirts, calming pheromones, supplements, and medication that could help reduce your pup’s stress.

5. Manage your own stress. Dog are very in-tune to our emotions and often have reactions to how we are feeling. If you are upset, chances are your dog is too. So don’t forget to take a minute to breathe and relax during all the chaos. Both you and your dog will benefit from it.

Much like people, all animals will respond to moving and stress differently. For some dogs it may be obvious that they are stressed, others may not show any signs for weeks after the move. If you are concerned about your dog’s behavior, please consult a veterinarian or certified dog trainer.