FAQ # Can Pet Hair Damage My Washer?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. When water combines with pet hair, it creates wet clumps. Wet clumps of dog and cat hair not only stick to clothing but to the sides of the washer drum.
These clumps then ultimately find their way to the washer’s drain pump. Multiple clumps of hair can cause drain pump clogs that result in a washer malfunction or even water damage to your home.
Lint roll your blanket.
- Avoid rinsing dog hair down the drain since it could create a clog. If you rinse your hands in the sink, use a stopper and skim the hair out before draining it.
Try a Sponge
In this case, you want to find a clean sponge that has an abrasive side. We also suggest you try it dry and damp to see which works better. Again, you should have a towel handy so you can wipe off the sponge as the hair comes off the blanket.
Having a pet means cleaning up smells, stains, hair, vomit, and more…and you can add to your pet clean-up routine with the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray. Its our product, and we love it so much, we just have to share! It permanently removes the very worst smells and stains, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Click here to get yourself a bottle!
Don’t you just love cuddling with your dogs in bed? Surely, the dogs adore it too. As soon as they get up, however, the harsh reality of having furry friends will hit you. Now, there’s dog hair all over the sheets… yikes!
It’s pretty normal for dogs to shed their fur, but cleaning up after this hairy situation is a painstaking task that takes too much time. You can spend 30 minutes dusting and brushing the sheets and get nowhere. Even vacuuming isn’t a guarantee if you have a crappy vacuum cleaner.
Unfortunately, washing your blankets each time this happens isn’t practical. So I wanted to see if there are more straightforward solutions to our dilemma. Needless to say, I found an amazing solution which I’m going to share with you today… here’s how to get dog hair out of blankets in 10 minutes with no washing needed.
You’d be surprised to find that it works on almost any fabric! (Bonus: Everything you ever need for this tutorial is already in your home.)