Make Plans for a Crisis: In the event of a crisis involving a U.S. government coordinated evacuation, we are generally not able to provide transportation assistance for your pets. U.S. citizens traveling or residing abroad with pets should make alternate plans for their care if you have to leave them behind or commercial transport if a crisis occurs abroad. In rare situations when pet transport is available, we will let you know and include the basic requirements/restrictions to facilitate pet travel on a specific flight. We usually do not know the requirements/restrictions in advance of scheduling individual transports.
If your dog is entering from a country the US considers as a high risk of rabies (Click here for high-rabies countries), your dog will need valid rabies certificate proving current rabies vaccination. Dogs that have never been vaccinated against rabies must be vaccinated at least 28 days prior to arrival.
This rule does not apply when there is no transfer of ownership or control of a dog to another person for more than de minimis consideration after the dogs importation into the United States. Therefore, dogs imported by a person who will use the dog as a personal pet, for sport, for shows or competitions, or for breeding or semen collection are not subject to the 6-month age restriction or any other requirements of this rule. 12.
Collies, shepherds, and other dogs to be used in the handling of livestock and that are imported from any part of the world except Canada, Mexico, and regions of Central America and the West Indies must have a tapeworm treatment administered by a licensed veterinarian shortly prior to entry to the United States and are subject to inspection and quarantine. 7.
After February 19, 2018, pet birds weighing more than 100 grams, must be identified by one of three approved means (microchip, leg band or tattoo) in order to qualify for home quarantine, in lieu of Federal quarantine, upon returning to the United States from HPAI-FREE countries. The identification must be documented on the accompanying U.S. origin health certificate.
A rabies titer test is highly recommended to enter the United States from all high-rabies country (see above). If a valid rabies titer test administered at least 45 days before travel is not available, your pet will need to enter an Animal Quarantine Facility in an approved port of entry. 4.