How much does it cost to travel with a dog? Find Out Here

On-the-Ground Costs for Flying Your Pet

  • Manual check in. Usually, you must book and check in your pet with a live customer representative, rather than online, curbside, or via self-check-in, which may incur additional fees.7
  • The vet. You may have to factor in the cost of a preflight veterinary visit, since some states require vaccination records.8
  • Implants. Some travelers go so far as to have an identification microchip implanted in their pet in case it gets lost.9
  • Quarantine. If your pet needs to be quarantined for whatever reason, there’s that cost (and inconvenience).
  • On the plus side, certain airlines will grant your pet loyalty rewards for travel.

    Additional Costs to Keep in Mind

    In addition to the basic cost charged by the airline you’re traveling with, there are additional costs of transporting a pet that must be considered if you’re flying your dog: These include:

    Airlines usually require you to purchase special, airline-compliant pet carriers if you’re traveling with a dog in the cabin. This can add between $30 to $250 to the initial estimate for your trip. Best Budget-Friendly

  • Soft-sided carrier is highly affordable
  • Seatbelt loop and luggage strap ensure stay-put transportation
  • Approved by most major airlines
  • Available in six colors and includes removable, washable bedding
  • If your dog is riding in the cabin, you might have to pay for any other extra luggage you have that is above the weight limit.

    As part of the preflight requirements when traveling with a pet, you’ll have to visit a vet to have your pet examined. Depending on the peculiarities of the situation, you may need to get your dog vaccinated or even pay for special medications for your furry friend. In addition to being necessary for your pet’s good, most airlines require you to get an up-to-date health certificate signed by a vet before allowing your pet on board the flight.

    Although this is not compulsory, if you’re traveling with your dog, it is often recommended that you get it microchipped. This way, if it ever gets loose in a new area, you can easily find it. The average cost of having a microchip inserted in a dog is $45. Best Fabric

  • Features four doors and a top for easy access
  • Has a large sleeping area
  • The removable fleece pad is washable
  • Comes with multiple perches
  • How Much Does it Cost to Fly a Dog Internationally?

    Questions around the cost to fly a dog overseas are often met with wincing because, well, the price can get hefty.

    “Depending on where youre going and the size of your dog, it can cost you a pretty penny,” Huntington says. “On the cheap side, it will run you around $800–$900, but it can go all the way to numbers like $7,000. It is very expensive to fly pets internationally.”

    When flying with your dog to some rabies-free countries like New Zealand, Japan, or Australia, many international airlines will require you to hire a third-party pet transportation service which can up the cost even more. Its important to ensure that if you absolutely must transport your pet via airplane, the transportation service used is approved by the IPATA.

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