Is it too late to potty train dog? Tips and Tricks

Genetics and Puppy Potty Training, Reason #2

Like humans, genetics are the parts that we come with (or the parts we do not come with). It is our temperament and who we are. We can build on genetics, but we cannot modify or change our genes. For the purposes of potty training, there will be some dogs that are more comfortable being next to their poop or pee, while others will totally despise it! This is their natural response.

Humans are the same way – some people’s floors you can eat from and others you wouldn’t even want to walk on. It stinks (no pun intended) but it is the truth.

By the way, genetics is often overlooked in dog aggression leading many dog owners baffled when they realize that there are no quick fixes to dog aggression. So, let’s not dismiss a dog’s genetics whether for potty training or dog obedience training. Genetics must be observed, respected and considered when forming a training program for your dog or puppy. Your dog’s training platform should be designed around their personality (genetics) among other variables.

Is it too late to potty train a 7 month old puppy?The good news is that you can usually house train a dog in seven days no matter how old she is. Puppies and small dogs have smaller bladders and will need more frequent potty breaks, but otherwise house training all dogs is essentially the same process.

  • Use Scheduled, Consistent Feedings. Feed your dog at the same time every day and take their bowl away between meals. …
  • Have Scheduled, Consistent Elimination Times. …
  • Reward Good Behavior. …
  • Startle, Dont Scare. …
  • Watch Them Closely. …
  • Scrub, Scrub, Scrub.
  • Environment and Puppy Potty Training, Reason #3

    Maybe your canine has what many dog behaviorists and obedience trainers refer to as “solid nerves” or another term, “genetically sound.” Even more commonly in the dog training word as it pertains to potty training – a “clean dog (vs a dirty dog)”

    A dog with good genetics can be sidetracked by an improper puppy potty training environment and program. For example, because of limited help many puppy stores & shelters often have the puppies go on paper in their crate and then change clean the crate and change the paper. Many times they are conditioned to eliminate in their crate, a lot of the puppies get used to sitting in it or near it until the attendant or volunteer cleans it. This puppy crate behavior can often carry on to their new home – your home!

    It can be broken, but it will take more time than a puppy that did not begin potty training with this type of program. Which leads us into our last reason that potty training our dog becomes delayed – consistency.

    Stop Accidents Indoors With THIS Puppy Potty Training Plan

    Some say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. In reality, this is complete nonsense. Even when they’re getting somewhat long in the tooth, it’s still possible to instill good habits in most dogs, especially potty training. It’s important to teach that habit no matter the dog’s age, and it is possible to potty train an older dog.

    The steps are the same as training a puppy; it just might require more patience to modify the dog’s behavior. Stick with it; your patience will eventually pay off.

    And in some instances, it will be easier. Unlike a puppy, which has a teeny, tiny bladder, older dogs don’t have to go out as often.

    If you’ve lovingly adopted an older dog from a rescue or shelter that either hasn’t been house trained or has forgotten his former good habits, don’t despair. It is possible to potty train an older dog.

    During his first few weeks in his new home, he’ll inevitably bring a whole bunch of new chores into your daily routine. Along with feeding, walking, and constantly cleaning pet hair, you’ll also have the occasional (or frequent) accident to mop up.

    The question being – can you do? If your dog is already a few years old and isn’t housetrained, how should you proceed?