The Rehomed Dog’s Physical Changes
Emotions aren’t the only changes a rehomed pooch may have to deal with; there are also some physical changes that can manifest themselves.
When a canine is stressed from being shifted from home-to-home, he can suffer from digestive upsets. This can include vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Some dogs may shake or shiver uncontrollably from stress or produce an excessive amount of drool. These symptoms can last for hours or even days, and in more extreme cases, a trip to your veterinarian may be required for medication to help ease the conditions.
How Traumatic is it for a Dog to Change Owners?
It’s been scientifically proven that the “reward” or “pleasure” center of the dog’s brain will “light up” when he smells his owner. This is because the canine species has been conditioned over thousands of years of domestication to form tight bonds with humans.
Once the love-bond has been created your dog will be loyal to the very end; however, break this bond through rehoming, and your canine companion can react by becoming depressed.
Depression can manifest itself in many ways such as lack of interest in food, or play. A sad dog may also sleep more often and at unusual times.
Some dogs may react by suffering from severe anxiety after a rehoming. These symptoms can include whining and barking out of fear or frustration; they may pace and continuously search for their previous owner.
As we mentioned above, dogs that have been rehomed due to abuse tend to be shy, mistrusting, and will often cower in fear or even lose control of their bladders. Some may even exhibit aggressive tendencies when approached.
Option 1: Return Your Dog to the Original Breeder, Shelter, or Rescue
The vast majority of reputable breeders, shelters, and rescues (adopting entity) have a clause in your contract that states you must return the animal to them in the event you can’t keep your pet.
The original adopting entity of your dog may also have extra information on your dog’s past, helping pair your dog with the right family next time around.
This option is best for: dogs that came from a reputable breeder, shelter, or rescue with an adoption contract.
This option isn’t best for: dogs that don’t have a contract to fall back on.
Rehoming Your Dog? Coping With Guilt and Grief When You Have to Give Your Dog Away
The shift to an unfamiliar place may be overwhelming for them. If you’re expecting to adopt a dog or a puppy, it is helpful to understand how this shift affects their well-being.
Getting into their shoes, their paws, rather, can make the transition easier. And we are to help you with that.
So, continue reading below to find out how our canine buddies exactly feel when you’re rehoming them.