How Much Should You Feed Your Dog?
The ideal way to calculate their daily calorie requirement involves a proper equation which uses the dog’s lean weight. This however can only be done if you are keeping a regular check of the dogs wait which is not always possible.
However you can always ask your veterinarian for a starting point and then you can gradually increase or decrease their meals according to what you observe.
What Causes Acid Reflux in Dogs?
Acid Reflux issues in dogs are quite similar to those in humans. The acid from the stomach can come up to the esophagus when the sphincter muscle relaxes due to reflux. This can be caused due to a number of reasons:
If a dog is constantly given a stressful environment their stomach might over produce acid which will travel upwards to the esophagus and cause acid reflux. Different types of bacterial infections or hernias can also cause this issue.
Since anesthesia can generally cause relaxation of the muscles in the body it can also do the same with the sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach. This will allow the acid to travel upwards and cause acid reflux in the dog. This can be further enhanced if the dog was laid down with its stomach at a higher level than its head.
If a dog is allergic to some component in their food, that can also trigger acid reflux. Some of these religions include soy, gluten and GMOs. It is highly recommended that the dog food must have very low or no preservatives, artificial coloring or flavors.
This is one of the most common reasons why your dog might be suffering from acid reflux. If you allow them to eat scraps off of your dining table, the high spice or fat content in that food can easily trigger reflux in dogs.
How long does it take pumpkin to work on dogs?
The pumpkin treatment should give results within 24 hours. The dry feces from the intestines will absorb the moisture from the pumpkin and the fibers will help the elimination. If your dog doesn’t produce feces after this treatment, you should visit the vet, as the dog may be affected by a serious problem.
Instead, most canned pumpkin in the U.S. is made from a type of pumpkin that doesn’t look all that typical. Dickinson pumpkins, also known as Dickinson squash, are the pumpkins used to make the majority of canned pumpkin we eat today.
Acid Reflux in Dogs
With the growing popularity of pumpkin spice everything, you might even see more pumpkin products being advertised to your pup. This is for good reason, as in many cases pumpkin can have some serious health benefits. But before you start scheduling PSL dates with your pup, read on for the deets – when is pumpkin a good idea and when should you hold off!
You might have heard of dog owners using pumpkin as a remedy for a number of gastrointestinal maladies—everything from diarrhea to constipation—but is pumpkin safe for dogs?
In most cases, yes, pumpkin can be a healthy part of a dog’s balanced diet. With its naturally-occurring fiber and rich concentration of vitamins, pumpkin has a myriad of benefits for your pup. However, as is the case with any ingredient you add to your dog’s food bowl, there are some precautions you need to keep in mind.
In most cases, a pumpkin can make a healthy dog even healthier. The popular squash is low in calories to ward off obesity and high in fiber to promote a strong digestive system. Pumpkin is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide your dog with instant energy.
The vitamins and minerals in the orange fruit (pumpkin is not technically a vegetable) provide great benefits for your pup as well.
Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids, vitamin E, iron, and potassium. Carotenoids encourage skin health and eye health, while vitamin E acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps with heart function. Iron encourages the production of hemoglobin, and potassium ensures that muscles and nerves work properly.
These benefits of sharing pumpkin with your dog are why we at Ollie add pumpkin to our Turkey Recipe. The pumpkin is mixed with turkey breast, kale, lentils and carrots as well as things like chia seeds and cod liver oil for a delicious and nutritious meal.