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The Russian Bear Dog is a large guardian dog breed originating from Caucasus mountain regions, also known as Caucasian Mountain Dog. The Russian Bear Dog is a large dog, at about 26 to 35 inches tall, and its typically used as a guard dog to protect livestock but can also be a hunting partner.
Your opinion of this dog breed will depend entirely on what end of the leash you are on. With their family, this is a loving gentle giant. With anyone they deem to be a threat, the Russian Bear Dog becomes a dangerous force to be reckoned with.
Stick with us to read what is this breed and what you can expect from owning one
Is a Russian Bear Dog Right for You?
The Russian bear dog is a beautiful, intelligent dog. However, due to its large size and protective nature, the dog isn’t suitable for some people or lifestyles.
How Much Does it Cost to Own a Russian Bear Dog?
The monthly cost of owning a Russian bear dog is $80 to $150. Food is the biggest recurring cost of owning this dog.
Grooming, healthcare, new toys, and exercise supplies are other costs to consider.
Training classes, dog boarding or dog sitting, and professional grooming are additional monthly costs that may be necessary, depending on your situation.
Where to buy or rescue a Russian Bear Dog
You can get your very own mountain dog from a breeder, but you also have an option to adopt.
But since this is a giant breed which can give other people the impression that they are generally aggressive or dangerous, is anyone allowed to own this kind of dog?
Are Russian bear dogs allowed in the US?
How much are Russian bear dogs?
How much does a Russian mountain dog cost?