7. There are easy steps to take to lower the risk of infection of your pets, your family and yourself:
5. Myth or Fact? Parasites cannot survive our cold Alberta winters: Well, both. Many cannot, but some species can survive in temperatures below -30°C. Intestinal roundworms produce 10,000 eggs every day. These eggs have a thick crust which protects them from the elements – they can survive and be infectious through up to 5 years, even in our harsh northern climate. Your pet may still be at risk!
6. Certain types of internal parasites are more common in Alberta than others: Ascarids (roundworms), tapeworms, and giardia, intestinal protozoa which causes “beaver fever” in humans. Roundworms and tapeworms both are infectious to humans as well.
Deworming is an important preventative care regime for reducing parasites (internal and external) and improving your pet’s health. It is also important to help to prevent transmission of parasites to you and your human family members! Here are some things to know about those unwanted houseguests your cat or dog might unknowingly be hosting.
2. Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there: Sometimes we can see little wiggly worms in our pet’s faeces, but this is not always the case. When in doubt, a faecal examination is done to check for parasites.
Brand-new puppies are full of love and keen to express it. Many do this by licking you, your face, your children. While it is nice to feel so loved, puppies can bring some parasites with them from their previous home. As some worms can be transferred to family members, including children, it is essential – for both their health and yours – to start them off on a preventative worming schedule from the start.
Puppies are incredibly susceptible to worms. They can pick up worms from their mothers milk, from other adult dogs at the breeders or rescue shelter, and also through their constant desire to investigate, sniff at or eat most things they come across. Grooming and swallowing fleas carrying the infective stage of tapeworms can also lead to infection.
Why Is Worming Important for Puppies?
Intestinal worms are bad in any pet, but even more so in puppies. Because puppies are small and still growing, they are much more vulnerable to diseases, parasites and getting sick. Intestinal worms like hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms steal the much-needed nutrients that puppies need to grow and flourish, in addition to causing pain, discomfort and even blood loss. If not effectively treated, a puppy can even die.
Rarely, humans can also contract these parasites, which can lead to intestinal pain, skin reactions and more serious health problems.
Puppy Care : When to Worm Newborn Puppies
Deworming is an important preventative care regime for reducing parasites (internal and external) and improving your pet’s health. It is also important to help to prevent transmission of parasites to you and your human family members! Here are some things to know about those unwanted houseguests your cat or dog might unknowingly be hosting.
1. Puppies and Kittens need to be dewormed more often: It is recommended that your puppy or kitten is dewormed every 2 weeks until they reach 3 months of age. Puppies and kittens are usually born with parasites passed on from mom (even if mom is dewormed) before they are born. After this, in our area, deworming depends on exposure risk. Please discuss this with your vet.
2. Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there: Sometimes we can see little wiggly worms in our pet’s faeces, but this is not always the case. When in doubt, a faecal examination is done to check for parasites.
4. Certain people are at higher risk than others: Children, the elderly, pregnant women, cancer patients, diabetics and anyone else with a suppressed immune system are at a greater risk. Many dogs and cat parasites are “zoonotic”, meaning they are transmissible from animals and cause disease in humans. Be cautious and take extra care if there is anyone in your household who might be at a greater risk for exposure.
5. Myth or Fact? Parasites cannot survive our cold Alberta winters: Well, both. Many cannot, but some species can survive in temperatures below -30°C. Intestinal roundworms produce 10,000 eggs every day. These eggs have a thick crust which protects them from the elements – they can survive and be infectious through up to 5 years, even in our harsh northern climate. Your pet may still be at risk!
6. Certain types of internal parasites are more common in Alberta than others: Ascarids (roundworms), tapeworms, and giardia, intestinal protozoa which causes “beaver fever” in humans. Roundworms and tapeworms both are infectious to humans as well.
7. There are easy steps to take to lower the risk of infection of your pets, your family and yourself:
If you have any questions about deworming or would like deworming medication for your pet, please phone us at (780) 439-4353.