What are the signs of a neglected dog? Here’s the Answer

Risks of a Severely Neglected Dog

If a dog is neglected for an extended period of time, they could be at risk of severe health conditions or even death. Of course, it depends on how serious the neglect is. Yet, any lengthened neglect can harm a dog’s health and wellbeing significantly.

Dogs who are left outside without shelter from the weather can suffer slowly and painfully. Heatstroke and dehydration are common concerns for dogs during hot months. Then, frostbite and hypothermia could be risks during cold months.

Additionally, dogs suffering from untreated wounds could have a slow death. Their wounds could become infected and lead to more serious concerns. Not having enough food and water could also cause prolonged suffering. They could eventually have severe weight loss, muscle loss, and failure of organs if left alone too long.

This means that a dog suffering from neglect could die right beside their “home.” Their death could be caused by something that their human easily could’ve prevented. It’s heartbreaking to think that any human would be okay with treating an animal that way.

Neglect can be just as painful as violent abuse. This is because the pain is long and drawn out instead of sudden. Dogs who are neglected spend most of their time scared and confused, not understanding why their humans aren’t giving them the love and care they need.

Your pet seems lethargic & tired

Animals, particularly dogs have personalities; this means that they crave special tasks, interactions, and activities that stimulate their minds. Owning a pet does not have to be a chore, in fact dogs can provide entertainment and fun for entire families at a time. If your pet dog seems lethargic and especially tired all the time, exercise and more activity may be in order. Throughout the day, it is a good idea to give your dog a toy, a bone, go for a walk, or play some fetch in the yard. Getting your dog out of the house routinely is important for your dog’s mental and emotional health. Just as it is important for humans to stimulate their muscles and brains for health and longevity, it is also important for dogs.

Environmental Signs of Animal Neglect:

  • The dog is chained outside for long periods of time.
  • The chain is too tight or twisted, causing a choking hazard.
  • They don’t have proper access to food and water.
  • They don’t have proper shelter during extreme weather.
  • They’re kept in a kennel that’s too small for them.
  • There are too many animals on one property.
  • They’re kept near hazardous objects like garbage, feces, or glass.
  • They bark or whine for extended periods of time, even days on end.
  • If you spot any of these signs of neglect, it can be heartbreaking. In many cases, the person doesn’t even realize that their actions are slowly killing their dog. So, it’s important to take action before these cruel behaviors get out of hand.

    How To Tell If Your Rescue Has Been Abused | Lucky Dog

    While most of us are appalled at the notion of abusing any animal, let alone our own fur babies, the reality is there’s a need for attention to this intolerable issue. It’s estimated that about 20 million dogs and cats are victims of animal cruelty every year in the U.S., although this number could be much higher since many cases don’t ever get reported.

    A proven correlation between animal cruelty and domestic violence, along with evidence that animal cruelty is linked to violence against all humans, and the continuing presence of dog fighting rings and puppy mills all make it clear that animal cruelty is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-disciplinary response.

    Recognizing evidence of cruelty when we see it is an important first step in advocating for abused dogs, cats, and other animals, and there are many signs that can alert us to an animal in trouble. For Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month this April, we’d like to shed light on what animal cruelty means, how to spot it, and what you can do to help stop it.

    While several states have their own animal cruelty laws, there’s been little on the federal level to address animal welfare outside of livestock and wild animals. However, the legal definition of animal cruelty includes the intentional torture, beating, confining without access to food, water or shelter, forcing to fight, or killing of an animal, as well as unintential neglect by failing to provide the basic necessities. States, counties, and municipalities each have their own definitions of cruelty within laws that carry penalties, which are usually how cases of abuse and neglect are prosecuted.

    The most prominent type of cruelty is neglect. Neglect can be committed by an animal’s owners, puppy mills, kennels, and others who have a responsibility to provide shelter, food, water, and medical care to an animal. Animal abuse resulting from neglect may also be found among hoarders who can extend their hoarding of objects to acquiring more animals than they can care for. The average number of animals rescued from a single hoarding situation is 40.

    Abuse involves the intentional torturing, injuring, or killing an animal, though exclusions under the law include killing wild game and farm animals raised for food, but even these animals have regulations on how they should be treated. Prosecutable cruelty can also be depicted online, within television or movies, or from dogfight pits. Abuse can also arise from an attempt to control a pet, wherein the abuser manipulates their pet by threatening cruelty or actually abusing them.

    Animal cruelty occurs at every level of society, and there’s no one kind of person who can abuse or neglect. Rather, cases of animal cruelty are often discovered based on observed situations or conditions of an animal that alerts someone to a possible issue. Let’s take a look at what some of these may be.

    There are many kinds of signs that can alert us to a potentially abused or neglected dog or cat. Some can be environmental, such as animals in cramped cages that are too small for them or tethered in direct sunlight without any water or shade. Others are usually physical, including the appearance of an animal that can indicate neglect or abuse. And in some cases, an overheard conversation about abuse or neglect may be the tip that saves an animal in peril.

    We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 signs of animal cruelty to look for and recognize. Investigating and taking action when you see one of these signs just may save a life.

    While an animal may become emaciated because of an intestinal parasite or serious illness, a properly cared for pet will usually have signs that it is being nursed back to health, such as a loving, protective guardian, clothing or blankets to keep warm, and access to nourishing food and water. What we mean is a dog or cat who is looking scrawny or sick, and whose muscle and fat has deteriorated to such a point that their skin hugs their bones and may even be sunken in between them. Visible bones, such as all the ribs, are highly indicative of neglect.

    A collar that’s too tight can cause neck wounds such as cuts, scabs and even trouble breathing. In cases where the collar hasn’t been adjusted as a dog grows or is too tight for too long of a time, it can even become embedded in the skin.

    Dogs that have been used for fighting or are being abused by their owner will usually bear wounds or bruising, or may have scars or scabs from old wounds.

    Animals with these signs may be severely abused to the point of serious injury. Seeing a dog who’s clearly disoriented or severely drowsy may indicate neglect or outright physical abuse.

    Matted hair, overgrown nails, or a dirty coat may all indicate neglect. For some pets whose grooming has been neglected a long time, they can also develop skin, eye and ear infections, or even infections in their paws as their nails break off.

    An infestation of fleas, ticks and other parasites can lead to skin rashes, hair loss, constant scratching, or obsessive body rubbing on objects or the ground. Frequent head shaking may also be a sign of parasites or infections in the ears. For an animal that has a severe infestation, they can also become emaciated and weak.

    Some dogs love romping in the rain and snow, but a restrained pup shivering without a warm place out of the elements, lying in mud or their own feces, or panting from overheating without any clean water in sight are examples of abuse, especially during prolonged heat spells or freezing cold temperatures. And if that animal doesn’t move from that spot day after day after day, that’s a clear sign of neglect.

    Neglecting to provide a safe environment is a cruel form of abuse. Animals who are exposed to their own feces, amid broken glass, garbage, or other harmful objects, or to dirty, parasite infested areas are not being cared for properly. This can be outside in a yard, or indoors in an unsafe environment. This can often be seen in hoarding situations where animals are trapped inside a home filled with mice, rats, spoiling food, bug infestations and their waste which can make the air toxic to breathe.

    Providing clean food and water is a basic responsibility for a pet owner. Failure to do so is neglectful and abusive. Without clean water or healthy food, dogs and cats will become sick, malnourished, and eventually die. Any animal who doesn’t have access to these two necessities, or only has access to dirty water and spoiled food, is being neglected.

    Observing a person beating, kicking, or otherwise physically harming an animal is a sign of cruelty. Hearing a dog yelping or a cat screaming, or someone behaving strangely with an animal should be cause for alarm.

    Seeing any of these signs can be an indication that an animal needs help. But what do you do if you suspect abuse or neglect?