What happens if a dog’s placenta doesn’t come out? Find Out Here

I have a friend whos dog had nine pups. They all seemed fine for six weeks . Momma dog stopped producing milk and died a week later. The litter was of nine pups. Only five of them have made it so far. They have not been vet checked. Is it safe to bring a few of the pups to my home with my other dogs

What did the vets recommend doing that it is turning out so costly? Are they talking about c-sections? All new mother dogs and pups should see a vet 24 hours post whelping for a wellness check-up and to determine if there are any issues. Money should be put aside for possibly c-section/complications. This is the bare minimum that needs done when breeding dogs. Please find a way to see your vet is theres a complication.

Hello Brittany, I stumbled n your post as I have a dog who just whelped and was learning about signs of trouble. If you vet is uncertain, it means there is really no way to know for sure. I would recommend you to join the Facebook group “dog breeding and whelping guidance” and ask there as there are thousands of experienced breeders there who perhaps were in your same situation.

I am sorry to hear that, you should have your dog see the vet to ensure there are no retained placentas or dead pups in her.

Take her to vet, only him can determine what is going on and give her an oxytocin shot in case there are retained placentas.

Diagnosis of Retained Afterbirth in Dogs

In order to make a proper diagnosis your veterinarian will start by asking for a full history of your dog’s symptoms as well as give your dog a physical evaluation. He/she will palpitate the abdominal area, paying close attention to any lumps or masses that are palpable as well as examine the vaginal opening and the birth canal. Fatigue, muscle tremors, and other signs of physical distress will also be noted and an ultrasound or X-ray will be ordered to see if there is any retained fetal or placental tissue in the uterus. Blood tests and tests on the vaginal discharge will also be indicated to ensure that any infections are caught and treated in a timely manner. Retained fetal or placental tissue can lead to metritis, a bacterial infection of the uterus. In some cases, the ultrasound or x-ray will miss the tissue and exploratory surgery is required to get a definitive diagnosis.

Overview of Retained Placenta in Dogs

A retained placenta is a syndrome characterized by the failure of the mother to expel the placenta – the organ that joins the mother and offspring during pregnancy – shortly after the birth of the newborn. The placenta is usually passed within 15 minutes of the birth of each puppy, and can take longer in cats. A retained placenta is extremely uncommon in dogs, and even less common in cats. It is most often seen in toy breed dogs.

How do you tell if your dog has a retained placenta?

A retained placenta, or retained afterbirth, occurs when the placenta (the sac surrounding an unborn puppy) is not passed out of the mother’s uterus along with the puppy.

The placenta is retained in the uterus rather than being expelled with or shortly after the birth of the puppy.

History of a recent birth with a physical examination finding of a green discharge from the vulva is supportive of a diagnosis of retained placenta. Your veterinarian may recommend routine blood testing, though these results may be normal. Vaginal cytology may also be recommended. Your veterinarian may need to take X-rays and/or perform an ultrasound of the uterus. In some cases, exploratory surgery may be necessary.

Oxytocin may be administered in an attempt to pass the retained placenta and calcium gluconate may be administered prior to the injection of oxytocin. If medical treatment with oxytocin is unsuccessful, surgery to remove the retained placenta from the uterus may be necessary. Ovariohysterectomy (spay) may be recommended if your dog is not to be bred again.

Acute metritis (inflammation of the uterus) may develop if the placenta is not passed/removed and may need to be treated as well.

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