What happens if your dog eats sleeping pills? Let’s Explore

Causes of Sleep Aids Poisoning in Dogs

  • Sleep aids poisoning can depress or excite the central nervous system
  • Studies have recorded relaxation of muscles along with a sedative effect
  • A mixture of different types of sleep aids can result in severe effects on the respiratory and central nervous systems
  • Excessive stimulation is also very possible, with restlessness and anxiety a result
  • Treatment of Sleep Aids Poisoning in Dogs

    If your pet is asymptomatic and you are able to provide the time that has elapsed since your pet consumed the sleep aid, vomiting may be induced. Dogs who are experiencing depression of the central nervous system will not be encouraged to vomit. Canines can react differently to the same medication (excitement or depression) and therefore, each case is treated as symptoms allow.

    The use of active charcoal or gastric lavage will be determined by the type of medication that was ingested and the specific symptoms that your dog is presenting. Your dog may be given medication for CNS depression. If the result of the ingestion is agitation, a different medication will be administered to counteract this effect. Intravenous fluids are often used when necessary to help the body eliminate the drug more quickly. During the therapy, your pet’s body temperature and respiration will be monitored carefully as well.

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    Diagnosis of Sleep Aids Poisoning in Dogs

    If you witness your pet ingesting a quantity of your sleeping medication, or return home to find a chewed, empty bottle by your nightstand, seek veterinary help immediately. Bring your dog to the clinic whether he is symptomatic or not. Symptoms can result very quickly and reversal of the effects will be managed more easily with timely care. If possible, bring the empty container with you to the clinic as this will help the veterinarian to decide on the best course of action.

    The steps to the examination and diagnosis may be contingent on the condition of your pet when he arrives at the hospital. If he is exhibiting signs of sleep aid poisoning, the veterinary team will need to stabilize your dog right away. Symptoms like a racing heart rate or respiratory disturbance can escalate quickly, necessitating the need for immediate care. If your dog has an underlying liver or kidney problem, it could be exacerbated by the sleep aids poisoning, and this will mean additional therapy over and above the typical protocol.

    If your pet is asymptomatic upon arrival, the veterinary team may take a few minutes to check vital signs such as pulse, heart rate, steadiness of gait, and body temperature. There is no specific test for sleep aid poisoning, but the veterinarian may order blood tests to evaluate the blood markers and check if they are within normal ranges. This information can be helpful to the medical team as your pet is in treatment as well.

    Dog vs sleeping pills

    Melatonin has become popular as a sleep aid for people who suffer from insomnia or jet lag. It is used in dogs to treat anxiety disorders such as separation anxiety and noise phobias. Older dogs with disrupted sleep patterns caused by canine cognitive dysfunction (also known as “dog dementia”) may also benefit from melatonin supplementation. Melatonin may also be used to treat certain conditions that cause non-allergic hair loss. However, that doesn’t mean melatonin is good for all dogs, especially if taken in large quantities. As with most things in life, it is possible to get too much of a good thing and melatonin is no exception.