What illnesses can dogs get from humans? Here’s What to Do Next

Kennel coughKennel cough can be caused by a combination of viruses and bacteria. It is very contagious and your dog can become infected if it comes into contact with an infected dog. Dogs with kennel cough may not seem ill in the early stages of the disease but they can still infect other dogs. Most commonly, dogs with kennel cough will have a snotty nose and a dry, hacking cough.

There are vaccines for kennel cough, but not all dogs need to receive the vaccine. Consult your veterinarian about whether or not the kennel cough (Bordetella) vaccine is right for your dog.

Does My Dog Have a Virus?

Viruses take many different shapes and forms, but there are a surprisingly high number of common symptoms to keep an eye out for. Does your dog have a peculiar rash on its body? Does your dog have diarrhea or is he persistently vomiting? Does your dog seem irritable, aggressive and antisocial? Has your dog lost its appetite and a lot of weight? All of these could be indicators that your dog is suffering from a virus.

But what causes viruses to develop in your dog’s body? Viruses are often caught when your dog comes into direct contact with infected animals or objects. The viruses then take hold of your dog’s body and wage war on its immune system. They can affect your dog’s brain, limbs, and other vital organs.

How your vet diagnoses the virus will depend on the suspected virus. For some viruses, a blood test and a physical examination will be all that is needed. Other viruses like rabies cannot be diagnosed until the dog has died and tissue from the brain can be taken for analysis.

For information on the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of a particularly common virus in dogs, see our guide to Parvo in Dogs.

Canine influenza (“canine flu” or “dog flu”)

Dogs can be shedding the virus before they even show signs of illness, which means an apparently healthy dog can still infect other dogs. Dogs with canine influenza develop coughing, a fever and a snotty nose, which are the same signs observed when a dog has kennel cough.

There is a vaccine for canine influenza, but at this time it is not recommended for every dog. Consult your veterinarian to determine if the canine influenza vaccine is recommended for your dog.

Fortunately, there is a vaccine for parvo. It is considered a “core” vaccine and is recommended for every dog.

Can Humans Get PARASITES From DOGS? – Zoonotic Diseases