Best Bark Control Device For Dogs That Live With Cats
NBJU Bark Collar is the best dog bark control device for dogs that live with cats and need help improving their communication with their owners and guests.
NBJU works best with dogs that understand basic commands to avoid activating the collar e-shock feature. Instead, try the beep and vibration mode to reinforce positive behavior and deter negative behavior at the dog park or house party.
Pros: The vibration feature is compatible with dogs that are deaf or hearing impaired.
Cons: Features the e-shock feature that may burn your dog if left unattended for a prolonged time.
PET CAREE Sonic Dog Barking Control
This device is designed to blast an ultrasonic sound whenever barking is detected. It’s completely safe to use and is an effective way to deter excessive barking inside or outside your home.
The sound emitter is built to look like a stylish birdhouse. It can be hung on a tree branch or placed on a shelf. There are 3 range levels available. You can set it to detect barks from 15 feet, 30 feet, and 50 feet away.
The loudspeaker has a 180-degree angle of projection, so your dog is sure to hear it.
#5 – No More Yapping with the VIIMI Bark Control Device.
There are many times when you have to train your dog, and for those who want a good alternative to traditional methods of training this device is just what they need. A safe way to get your pup in line without shouting or hitting, the Bark Control Device works by emitting an ultrasonic sound that will stop dogs from barking on command. No more yelling at your dog with a new innovative tool that can help them learn how to behave properly all while being safer for everyone involved. Safe for small, medium, large dogs.
✅ Top 5 Best Dog Barking Devices in 2022 Reviews
I’ll never forget the day I came home from work to find a note hanging from my front door: “Your dog is driving me crazy, please do something.”
Apparently, to my surprise, my poor neighbors had endured countless days of incessant howling and barking. My dog was showing classic signs of separation anxiety.
Like most dog owners, I was completely unaware of my pup’s unfortunate behavior. While I was home, my dog was quiet, composed and perfectly content with cuddling up to watch the latest season of Dog Whisperer. The minute I left the house, he immediately switched gears and turned into a neighborhood menace.
I knew that curbing his separation anxiety would take time, training, and a lot of patience. However, I didn’t know how much time I had before my neighbors rallied to remove me from the community. I had to find a quick solution to the loudest part of the problem – the barking – while I worked on the deep-rooted issues.
That’s when I discovered that there are a ton of options out there for people and pups, just like me!
If you’re struggling with an excessive barker, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are a variety of bark control options that you can use, including ultrasonic bark control devices, to help reduce your dog’s pesky barking behaviors. Our top ultrasonic bark control device is the Bark Silencer.
Dogs will be dogs, which means they’re always going to bark. Vocalizing is how dogs communicate with each other and with you! However, there’s a big difference between your average barker and an incessant barker.
It’s impossible to isolate a specific reason a dog is barking, but generally, they fall into one of these six categories: attention-seeking, territorial, separation anxiety, frustration, fear, and excitement.
If I had to guess this beautiful would bark for attention : ) : Adam W
Somewhere along the line, your dog has learned that if they bark, they’ll get your attention. Whether you respond positively or negatively, when your dog wants to play, go outside, or just wants extra love, they know that barking will gain your attention.
Ironically, even by yelling “quiet!” from across the room, you’re inadvertent reinforcing the barking behavior by acknowledging the dog and giving them your attention.
It’s normal for your dog to feel compelled to protect you and your property. This is especially true for certain breeds that were originally bred to guard or a ‘herd.’
So, if someone is walking by, approaching, or trying to enter an area that they consider their territory (home, backyard, etc.) or they perceive them as a threat to you (their pack), they’ll bark to alert you of the threat. According to ASPCA, dogs that bark territorially will also signal to a potential trespasser that it isn’t a good idea to enter their property.
In most cases, the barking will stop once the threat has diminished. However, similar to attention-seeking barking, this type of barking is reinforced if the person or object is removed.
Separation anxiety is one of the more common reasons that dogs bark excessively. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest types of barking to prevent because you’re not there to witness it! It takes a great deal of time and patience to remedy, but I can assure you that it is possible with the right tools and training.
To add insult to injury, separation anxiety is usually coupled with other challenging behaviors like eliminating in the house or destroying objects or furniture. If there’s a positive to separation anxiety, it’s that it’s usually pretty easy to recognize.
When a dog has separation anxiety they are feeling a wide variety of emotions and fall into just about every category mentioned on this list. They’re afraid, anxious, overly excited, looking for attention and cannot control their behavior.
Dogs that bark out of frustration demonstrate similar behaviors as dogs that have separation anxiety. The key difference is that they do so whether or not you’re present. Have you ever been walking your dog and they suddenly go bonkers and start barking at inanimate objects, dogs, or people?
If so, you may have a frustrated or anxious dog. Keep in mind, similar traits can be present in dogs that are fearful, excited, or aggressive. It’s important to seek professional advice if you’re unsure why your dog is barking excessively.
A fear-based bark can be similar (if not the same) as a territorial bark. If your dog is uncertain about a person, place, or object, they’ll usually bark because they’re hoping that vocalizing will deter the unfamiliar object/person from approaching them or their territory.
When I’m playing my dog’s favorite game – fetch – he gets so excited that he will literally bark at me to throw the ball. Excitement can manifest itself in a number of ways, but barking is the most common way dogs communicate their excitement. If the barking stops once the fun activity is over, chances are you have an excited barker.
So, now you know why your dog barks but you’re probably wondering what you can do about it. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for every dog, but there are a lot of options available.
You may find that one of the methods listed below will work beautifully for your dog, but it’s always recommended that you seek professional guidance from a veterinarian and use these tools in addition to training.
While these methods or products have worked wonders for dog owners struggling with barking issues, some just simply don’t work for others. Remember that no method or product is a one size fits all solution and that there is really no product that will magically(or instantly) solve all of the problems you are having with your dog. Our main recommendation would be to try multiple methods and see what works best for you and your dog.
Keep in mind that the actual sound of barking shouldn’t be the issue that you’re focusing on. You should be focusing on the underlying issues that are causing your dog to be an overactive barker.
This method is a lot easier said than done. The good news, is it’s free. The bad news, it’s hard! Ignoring your pup can feel a lot like letting a baby cry. Not only do you want to comfort your dog, but you also want to stop them from barking and your natural response is to do something.
According to the Humane Society, allowing your dog to bark it out reinforces that you won’t come to their beckoning call. I learned the hard way, that this is especially true for dogs that are barking due to separation anxiety or to get your attention.
Remember, this will not work for all dogs and should be used in addition to other methods of training. I recommend talking to your vet or a trainer to find out if ignoring your pup is the way to go.
Plug-in diffusers are one of the newer methods on the market to calm an anxious or excited dog. Though I haven’t personally tried a diffuser, I’ve put special pheromone calming sprays on a blanket to keep my dog calm during fireworks and it worked like a charm.
Diffusers are plugged into an outlet, much like an air freshener, and periodically emit a soothing, natural pheromone that is meant to replicate the pheromones a mother releases during nursing. If strategically placed throughout your home, a plug-in diffuser will calm your anxious or destructive dog.
Plug-in diffusers work best for dogs that are confined to smaller spaces because if they don’t breathe in the pheromone it will have little to no effect on them.
When I found out my dog had separation anxiety, this was the first recommendation I received from friends and family. A citronella bark collar is sort of a hybrid between a diffuser and a shock collar. In my opinion, it is more humane than a shock collar and offers more mobility than a diffuser.
Similar to a shock collar, the citronella bark collar is triggered by the vibrations of your dog’s bark. However, instead of a shock, the collar emits a pet-safe citronella substance that is intended to deter your dog from barking.
Believe it or not, this is what stopped my incessant barker in his tracks. In fact, after just a few times wearing the collar, I was able to put it on my dog without turning it on and he wouldn’t bark.
A shock collar is certainly one of the more controversial methods to deter unwanted barking behaviors. Here at Natural Dog Owner, we’re against the use of them. You can read about our stance on shock collars here.
Shock collars work in a similar way as a citronella bark collar, but instead of a spray, they use an electric stimulation between two points on the collar to shock your dog when they bark.
These collars are an aversive training method, which means your dog will not like the feeling and want to stop barking to prevent the shock. Shock collars are used on a variety of unwanted behaviors, not just barking.
So, you might be asking yourself, what exactly is an ultrasonic bark control, and is it safe? When I first heard the word ‘ultrasonic’ I assumed these devices were complex shock collars. However, this type of bark control is surprisingly simple and differs significantly from a shock collar.
Ultrasonic bark devices work like this: Your dog barks, the device detects the bark and immediately emits a high pitch tone that is intended to distract your dog and stop their barking.
Because your dog’s hearing is substantially better than human hearing, the pitch of the tone is heard only by your dog. It’s also very unpleasant for them. They stop barking and the device stops emitting the sound. Over time your dog will recognize that barking equals an unpleasant high pitch tone, so they won’t bark unless it’s important.
There are varying opinions on whether or not these products are safe for pets. However, reputable pet brands like PetSafe have completed safety-related research on a variety of dogs to make sure their products are safe for all dogs.
There are also a variety of ultrasonic devices available and you’ll want to find the right type of device for your pup; After all, you know your dog best!
This device is the Sunbeam Little Sonic Egg and we have a full review of it below.
Indoor devices are small to medium-sized teardrops or rectangular-shaped objects that are meant to deter your indoor dog from barking.
They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, so if you have a curious pup or are looking to camouflage the device with your décor, you should be able to do so with ease. Each device has a unique range, which determines how far away the dog can be to trigger the device.
Generally, these devices are set to automatically activate when a dog is within range, but some have a manual feature that provides more control. Indoor ultrasonic devices are also battery powered and how long they last will depend considerably on how often your dog barks. You’ll also want to turn the device off when it’s not being used, to conserve battery and keep your pup from being desensitized to the tone.
Keep in mind that more than one device may be necessary if your excessive barker has free reign over the house – the ultrasonic sound cannot travel through walls. You’ll also want to read the instructions on how to set up the device, to make sure it works properly
Some indoor devices will also fall into the ‘handheld’ device category due to their small size. However, there are also ultrasonic bark control devices that will fit in the palm of your hand.
These smaller devices are meant to deter your pup from barking anytime, anywhere. Handheld devices usually come with a lanyard or strap to secure the device to your arm, so they can easily be taken on walks or a trip to the park.
Unlike indoor ultrasonic devices, handheld devices are manually controlled by you and can be activated with a click of a button.
Similar to indoor devices, the range of these devices varies, so you’ll want to consider the activity or environment you’ll be using the device in to make sure it’s effective for your pup.
Ultrasonic Bark collars are similar to both citronella and shock collars, in that they can be worn and are triggered by the vibrations of your dog barking.
However, bark collars emit a high-pitched noise, much like other ultrasonic devices, rather than producing a shock or spray. A small battery-powered ultrasonic box can be placed on your dog’s existing collar or you can find a pre-assembled collar sized for your dog.
Interestingly, there are ultrasonic collars that are intended for both positive and negative reinforcement. So, if you’re trying to reinforce positive behaviors like “sit,” you can emit a positive tone, much like a clicker, to signal to your dog that they’re doing the right thing.
Ultrasonic collars are much more discreet than other collars on the market because only your dog can hear the noise. However, if you’re in close proximity to other dogs, they will also be able to hear the high-pitched tone. This is important to consider if you’re out at the park or in a training environment with other dogs. While you may be signaling to your dog to stop unwanted behavior, you may be disturbing a dog in close proximity.
If my neighbors were aware of ultrasonic outdoor devices during my dog’s separation anxiety dilemma, I’m sure they would have invested in one.
At first glance, outdoor ultrasonic devices look like cute little yard decorations or birdhouses, so your unsuspecting pup won’t know that they actually emit an ultrasonic tone. These devices work in a similar way as their indoor counterparts, except they generally offer a longer range and are more durable to withstand the elements.
These are more common for neighbors that have no control over their neighbor’s barking dogs or dogs that are left outside for extended periods of time. Similar to ultrasonic collars, your dog (or your neighbor’s dog) may not be the only pets that hear the high-pitched tone, so it’s important to use discretion when considering this option.
Here’s a great video from Living On A Dime where they give a great honest look at these devices, how they work and how effective they are.
The answer to this question is complicated because it depends on the dog, but the majority of dogs will reduce or eliminate their barking with the use of an ultrasonic device. This study by showed that all dogs in their test group, which ranged in size from 8lbs to 110lbs, reduced their barking with the use of an ultrasonic collar.
There are, however, a few things you’ll want to consider before purchasing a device for your canine.