What plants are okay for dogs? Tips and Tricks

Sometimes called the flamingo plant or freckle face, this species looks as though it’s been splattered with paint. Colors range from pink to red to green to white.

For a super fragrant shrub, invest in a tiny rosemary plant. Though the herb isn’t toxic to dogs, the needle-like leaves could cause harm to the esophagus, so keep your eyes peeled!

Pop a few small spider plants around your house to clean the air! You’ll notice they grow quickly in all types of temperatures. Leaves can reach up to 18 inches long, which makes them ideal for the top of a bookshelf or a hanging planter.

Perfect for hanging planters, these ferns are like bright green starbursts. They’re ideal in warmer climates, but as long as you provide them with indirect sunlight indoors during colder months, you’re good to go.

While you scroll and plan your trip to the greenhouse, jot down the scientific names of these plants alongside their common names. Lots of plants look alike or seem to come from the same family. However, some ferns are toxic, while others are safe. Some succulents could poison your dog, while others are harmless. When in doubt, check that scientific genus, species and family to make sure you’re buying the correct item.

Chris Boicelli is a contributor to Preventive Vet’s website. Having spent two decades producing television news, he finds Preventive Vet’s mission of education very rewarding. He lives in Seattle with his wife and two kids and is caretaker to two family cats, Raja and Zsa Zsa. There could be a dog in their future, but it’s still being discussed. Raja and Zsa Zsa are currently against the idea.

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We mentioned that Calatheas don’t love the sun (it burns their leaves), but a regular watering schedule will also make sure your plant stays healthy and hydrated, as will keeping it in a room with temperatures of 60–80 degrees F (nothing below 55 degrees). It also enjoys ample humidity, so consider regular misting or keeping it near a humidifier.

If you want bring a tropical vibe to your space, look no further than a bright bromeliad. Bromeliads, which have blooms that can last up to a few months, will liven up any room you put them in. They need plenty of air flow, so we suggest an open area with windows and indirect sunlight, such as a living room, kitchen, or bedroom.Most Popular

Water regularly and expect seeds to harvest sometime between 75 and 100 days, depending on the herb.

Care will vary depending on what type of prayer plant you have, but they generally prefer bright, indirect sunlight and temperatures of 65–85 degrees F. You’ll want to feed your plant once a month in spring and summer with fertilizer; water when the top 25% of the soil is dry.

Add some pet-friendly succulents, like this Haworthia, Echeveria, or a group of air plants, to your countertop and you’re golden.

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