What smell makes a dog poop? Here’s the Answer

What Is Your Dog’s Poop Telling You?

Poop can tell you a lot about your dog’s overall health. By being alert to certain qualities of your dog’s poop, you may be able to identify problems early or even prevent health issues from arising down the road.

Next time you pick up your dog’s poop, take the opportunity to gather a few clues. The shape, size, color, consistency, and even the smell of that poop can tell you a lot about your dog’s overall health.

Every dog is an individual, and what’s “normal” varies with an animal’s diet, age, and other factors. But once you’re in the habit of paying attention to your dog’s poop, you’ll know what’s normal for your own dog. And you’ll notice if anything changes. If it does, consult your veterinarian. Any change in your dog’s feces can be a clue that something’s going on with their health.

In general, here’s what you can expect from a healthy dog’s poop:

  • The color should be chocolate brown.
  • It should be log-shaped.
  • The consistency should be firm enough that the dog’s poo holds its shape when picked up, solid but not dry.
  • The volume of poop should be appropriate to the volume of food the dog usually eats.
  • The fat in your dog’s diet is broken down by a substance called bile, which is a yellow-green liquid produced by the gallbladder. As bile passes through the digestive system, enzymes and bacteria alter its chemistry, causing it to turn brown. So brown poop is a good sign.

    No one expects dog poop to smell like a bouquet of roses, but there’s a difference between stinky and foul. If your dog’s poop wages war on your nose, you don’t have to grin and bear it. Most of the time, ultra-smelly poop comes from a diet or medical issue that can be rectified.

    Do you get the first dry food you see at the grocery store? Often, the main cause of smelly stool is diet, and although low-quality dry foods might fill your dog’s belly, that doesn’t mean they’re healthy. Many dog foods are full of fillers that your dog can’t digest or fail to give them a balanced diet, leading to smelly stool.

    Scent Marking Is Serious BusinessScent marking is an instinctual behavior in which a dog deposits his own odor — in the form of urine or feces — onto his environment to mark territory or make a statement. Other dogs who come upon the scent can discern a lot about fellow canines in the neighborhood. With one whiff of urine, a pup can determine how many dogs have been there, how long ago they were in the area and, best of all, if there’s a

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    Does Your Dog Have Stinky Poo | How to Eliminate The Stink

    No one expects dog poop to smell like a bouquet of roses, but there’s a difference between stinky and foul. If your dog’s poop wages war on your nose, you don’t have to grin and bear it. Most of the time, ultra-smelly poop comes from a diet or medical issue that can be rectified.

    Do you get the first dry food you see at the grocery store? Often, the main cause of smelly stool is diet, and although low-quality dry foods might fill your dog’s belly, that doesn’t mean they’re healthy. Many dog foods are full of fillers that your dog can’t digest or fail to give them a balanced diet, leading to smelly stool.