Frequent Are dogs really gentle with eggs? Simple and Effective Tips

Why Are Dogs Gentle With Eggs?

When your dog clamps their jaws on a toy, their teeth hold the toy in place tightly. But with an egg, they treat it gently. This is called “soft mouth”. When the dog uses their soft mouth, they place the object between their sharp teeth but without biting down hard on it. The teeth work as a lock but don’t tear through the eggshell or toy.

Lots of dogs were trained to use their soft mouths when they accompanied hunters. They learned to retrieve ducks and fowls for the hunter without biting through them. But dogs have been instinctively using their soft mouths for ages, even before they went out on hunting trips with their humans. Mama dogs use their soft mouths to carry their babies from one place to the next without hurting them.

#3: They’re being protective

Frequent Are dogs really gentle with eggs?

But most importantly, they won’t give the egg bacc.

Is this how your Fido acts during the viral egg challenge?

If so, your pooch decided to keep it for themselves, and they’re ‘guarding’ it.

Your dog may also see the egg as an important item.

But unlike the previous reason, they’re unwilling to share it with anyone – even with you, their human.

Vets say this behavior usually starts as a cute, playful one.

But if you don’t correct it asap, it could lead to ‘possessive aggression.’

In this case, Fidos will become violent if they catch someone near their:

Also, when triggered, dogs won’t listen to anyone. And they might:

This is often the reason why dogs are so greedy.

If your Fido’s like this, they may also bark when you kiss someone. And they can become aggressive to other pets, like your cats.

Now, let’s go back to the egg challenge.

If your pooch has resource guarding issues, they might not also break the egg in their mouth.

Your dog doesn’t want to break the egg.

However, they won’t return it to you either. Even if you say “bring it back” or “drop it” a hundred times.

Your Fido will run away or walk with the egg somewhere. Like what most of the dogs in this funny clip did:

So to retrieve it, you need to offer them your best weapon. Say a yummier treat or a new toy.

Which Dog Breeds are Gentle with Eggs?

If dogs act differently when we offer them an egg, could there be a link to their breed? Well, yes and no. Some working breeds might be less likely to crush an egg, instead using their soft mouth. This is usually the case for actively working dogs, who have been trained to retrieve things.

But, bear in mind that there are individual differences even among an entire dog breed. Even some working breeds might be surprisingly rough with eggs – especially if they recognise them as a food item and want to get to the tasty yolk inside!

If you give a Dog an egg they naturally know to be gentle

Dogs are known for being gentle and loving creatures, but did you know there’s Reasons Why Dogs Are Gentle With Egg.

There are a number of reasons why dogs are so gentle with eggs. Some of these reasons include the fact that dogs are scavengers, that they have a soft mouth, and that they’re naturally protective of their food.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at seven reasons why dogs are gentle with eggs and explore how this gentleness can be beneficial for both the dog and the egg.