Why do dogs jump on you when they see you? Here’s What to Expect

How to stop your dog from jumping on the furniture

There’s nothing wrong with allowing your dog to jump up on the furniture such as the couch, a chair or your bed … as long as YOU decide this is OK. The dog does not get to decide!

Why do dogs jump on you when they see you?

If you do not want to allow your dog on the furniture, then it’s best NEVER to let your dog on the furniture, starting from when they are puppies.

If your dog is already used to being on the couch or your bed, then it’s not too late to train him.

Use a word like “off” and remove your dog from the couch or bed. Reward your dog for sitting on the ground or on a dog bed. If your dog jumps onto the bed again, simply say, “No, off” and remove him.

You might have to do this five or six times with stubborn dogs. If your dog just keeps on trying, then block access to that room or put him on a leash.

Why do dogs jump on you?

If your dog or puppy is jumping on you, all it usually means is your dog is seeking attention. It works! Most people pet, talk to or kneel down and acknowledge a dog that jumps.

And even if the person tries to hold the dog’s collar or push the dog away, most dogs still see this as good attention! Yay, this person is paying attention to me!

Just because your dog is jumping on people doesn’t mean you have a “bad” dog or that your dog thinks he’s “the boss.”

Dogs are simply acting in the moment and most of the time they just don’t understand the rules. This is why almost all puppies jump and nip at people a lot!

Remember, it’s NORMAL for a dog or puppy to jump, unfortunately. That’s what dogs do with each other!

However, we need to teach them that this behavior is not appropriate towards people. We don’t want them knocking over grandma or your 3-year-old nephew.


I’m using “dog” and “puppy” in this article because the same basic idea applies to stop either a dog or a puppy from jumping.

Older dogs ignore younger dogs that are jumping and biting

Older dogs will ignore puppies when they don’t want to play with a young, jumpy pup. They will often pretend to focus on a “smell” in the grass. Pretty soon the pup is also interested in sniffing the grass or he gets bored and finds something better to do.

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