Why do puppies bite some family members and not others? Essential Tips

Fido doesn’t like feeling trapped

Some dogs love hugs and cuddles. Others, not so much. If your dog bites you when you’re snuggling, it could be a sign that she just isn’t enjoying your idea of play.

While technically this can be construed as aggressive behavior, chances are Fido gave you plenty of warning signs that he was feeling trapped before he resorted to snapping.

Learn your dog’s body language and respect his boundaries. For example, if he always growls and bites you when you wrestle, he’s trying to tell you that he’s just not that into it. Find another game to play together. It’s really as simple as that!

Just like humans with anxiety tend to get a bit snappish, so do dogs. If you notice that Fido bites you more often during a thunderstorm or when your neighbors are setting off fireworks, chances are pretty good that he’s doing it out of anxiety.

Here are some signs that tell you that your dog is worried or anxious:

  • Yawning
  • Tongue-flicking
  • Lifting his front leg
  • Having accidents and urinating in strange places
  • Drooping head or body
  • Looking away (especially paired with tongue-flicking)
  • The reasons mentioned above may not be the only reasons that your dog likes biting you and not your husband, but they are the most likely culprits.

    Regardless of the reason, it’s important to nip the nipping in the bud before your puppy grows into an adult dog with very big adult teeth (although sharp little puppy teeth are bad enough, right?)!

    Why Does My Dog Bite Me and Not My Husband

    Why do puppies bite some family members and not others?

    There are many reasons why your dog bites you and not your husband.

    Sometimes, it’s because your puppy is too young to understand that he’s hurting you; and other times, there are psychological factors.

    You can try to see if your pet bites you at specific times or only when he’s under a lot of stress.

    Here are a few of the reasons why your dog could be biting you and not your husband:

    When should you be concerned about biting in puppies?

    You should seek out a certified professional if your puppy:

    • Is growling, snapping, or biting when a person comes near a resource. (Food, toys, etc)
    • Stiffens and stares at the person before biting.
    • Is consistently biting and breaking skin.
    • Barks, growls, or nips (not in play) at new people entering the home.
    • Snaps or growls at children.
  • The BIGGEST Mistake People Make With A Puppy Biting Problem

    It’s every owner’s worst fear: You’ve brought home the pup of your dreams, and he gets along with everyone in the family — except for one person.

    Aggression toward any family member, whether severe or mild, should be addressed right away to prevent the situation from escalating. What starts as a small growl could turn into a much more complex problem over time.