Why does my dog start snort like a pig? Simple and Effective Tips

Excitement, Laughter, and Sense of Smell

Did you know that your dog can laugh? It’s true!

Normally, it will resemble the sound of an exhale, but as you likely know from being a devoted dog parent, not all of our little buddies are the same.

If you find your dog reverse sneezing while playing around with a new friend at the park or meeting up with a person he hasn’t seen in a long time, then you can probably just chalk up his snorts to sheer excitement and energy.

Reverse sneezing could also be caused by your dog catching a whiff of an unpleasant or strong smell, which is why it’s always important to take note of your surroundings as well as your dog’s behaviors in these specific environments.

If you’ve ever wondered why harnesses are preferred to collars, this is why. Pressure on your dog’s throat ultimately forces his trachea to narrow, which may cause him to reverse sneeze and struggle with his breathing.

Additionally, any extra pounds that your dog has put on in recent months could contribute to his newly developed issue with reverse sneezing.

This weight can obviously cause difficulty with breathing due to your dog having to exert more energy for everyday activities.

Why does my dog snort like a pig?

Your dog snorts like a pig because of their facial bone structure. Or due to excitement, sniffing, stress, or heavy collars. Dogs also do it because of allergies, respiratory distress, and blocked nasal passages. Other reasons include respiratory tract infections and a collapsed trachea.

#10: Respiratory distress

Why does my dog start snort like a pig?

Respiratory infections are dangerous if not treated.

Your dog might go into respiratory distress without the right help.

It’s also called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

VCA says that it will happen about 1-4 days after the start of respiratory infections or diseases.

It means that your dog’s condition gets worse.

The infection has spread to the point that the blood vessels in the lungs are leaking.

This leakage doesn’t allow for oxygen to pass through the lungs.

It can lead to tissue damage in the whole body and even death.

Dogs with ARDS will display the following signs:

  • Coughing.
  • Low blood oxygen level.
  • Increased breathing rate.
  • Pink, foamy fluid from nose or mouth.
  • Blue discolored skin and mucous membranes.
  • There are only a few dogs ever recorded to survive ARDS.

    In this study, 2 doggos made it through. Dog 1 spent 5 days in the hospital. While Dog 2 had to be in the ICU for 12 days.

    Before that, they had to go through:

  • Nursing care.
  • Intense critical care.
  • Short-term positive pressure ventilation.
  • It wasn’t an easy fight. And for Dog 2, it was touch and go for a while.

    Dog 2 had to go back to the hospital because of paralyzed airway muscles.

    The vet had to perform corrective surgery to let the dog breathe again.

    Warning: This condition has an almost 100% fatality rate. Even with a prompt examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

    So if your dog has signs of respiratory infections, don’t let it go untreated. Prevent it from escalating into ARDS.

    This Is Why Your Yorkie Snorts Like A Pig | Causes & Treatment

    We own a French Bulldog. He snorts like a pig all the time, and it’s not that unusual for this breed, being brachycephalic. But even non-brachycephalic dogs will snort like a pig when playing, excited, sleeping, or just occasionally. There are some very good reasons why, which I will explain below – here’s the quick answer first.

    Why does my dog snort like a pig? Sometimes dogs will snort like a pig if they are a breed with shorter airways and they are lying in a particular position. Other times it might be due to an irritant in their throat, over-excitement, or what is known as a reverse sneeze.

    Reverse sneezing is more like a pronounced honking, and can occur for many different reasons, but it is rarely a concern as it will pass after a few seconds.

    The bottom line is this; many dogs will snort like a pig when excited or playing, and it’s nothing to be worried about.

    However, if it’s a constant snorting and more regular than what is considered normal, please tell a vet.

    The most serious (whilst rare) reason for a dog to be snorting like a pig could be a collapsed trachea, more often seen in small dogs. If you suspect this to be the case, your dog needs to be seen by their vet right away – if the snorting is constant, please do seek professional advice.

    But, with that being said, here’s more about the pig-like snorting, what it means, and when to be concerned.