Why is my dog slowing down? Here’s What to Do Next

What Qualifies a Pet as a Senior Pet?Senior pets can loosely be defined as those in the last 25 percent of their anticipated lifespan for their species and breed. For example, a cat expected to live 15 years would be

  • Don’t assume changes in your pet’s behavior, activity or appetite are “just old age.” Bring these changes to the attention of your veterinarian.
  • Take your pet for regular veterinary checkups. The current guidelines recommend annual visits for younger pets and more frequent visits as your pet ages. Early detection of disease can mean all the difference in extending the life of your pet.
  • Keep your pet mentally and physically active. Use feeding toys to challenge your pet to “hunt” for her food. Consider low-impact exercises for your dog, such as swimming. Exercise your dog or cat on a regular basis.
  • This article first appeared in Dr. Hohenhaus’ blog on the

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    What kind of behavior changes in my dog could indicate he’s in pain?

    Some visibly obvious behaviors are important signs that a dog may be in pain. These include:

    • avoiding slippery floor surfaces • difficulty getting up or slow to stand from a down position • difficulty easing into a sitting or lying position • limping/lameness • lying down while eating or drinking • reluctance or inability to jump up onto furniture or into a car • reluctance to go up or down stairs • reluctance to raise his head to take a treat • reluctance to sit when asked • reluctance to turn his head to one side or the other • sitting on one hip or the other with the rear legs off to one side lazy sit • standing to one side/weight shifting away from a painful limb • standing or walking with his head held down or back arched up • moving/walking while defecating or urinating • urinary or fecal accidents • night restlessness if he cannot get comfortable

    Any of these behaviors should prompt a visit to the veterinarian so a source of the pain can be identified and treatment can begin.


    Parasites like fleas or ticks can be very dangerous to your dog if not properly taken care of. Severe infestations can result in anaemia, which causes the loss of red blood cells.

    If your dog has anaemia, they will usually have low energy levels, poor appetite, and be reluctant to exercise. However, some dogs with anaemia might have no symptoms at all.

    Minor cases can be treated relatively easy, but more severe cases can be life-threatening. It’s vital you take your dog to see a vet if you suspect anaemia to ensure they have a quick recovery.

    You can prevent both of these parasites by using flea and worming treatments. Adult dogs usually need fleaing every 4 to 6 weeks and worming every 3 months.

    YOUR DOG IS EATING TOO FAST How to slow your dog down, EASILY!