Is it normal for dogs balls to turn black? Tips and Tricks

How do you treat a dog with a testicular infection?

Since testicles are located in the abdomen, it’s important to be very careful when treating a testicular infection. This is because the testicles are very close to the rectum, so you need to ensure that your dog does not have fecal matter in their rectum.

You can treat a testicular infection in dogs in several different ways. The easiest method is to use an antibiotic ointment on the dog’s scrotum. This will help keep the area clean and prevent infection from spreading.

You can also give them a dose of antibiotics orally, which will help speed up their recovery time. You should also talk to your vet about whether or not they would recommend putting pressure on your dog’s scrotum by wrapping it in bandages or using Ace wraps (available at most drug stores).


If your dog is licking their genitals excessively, this may be a sign of an injury. In fact, it’s normal for dogs to lick their balls in order to clean them, but if you notice your dog doing so more than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

The most common cause of blackened dog balls is inflammation in the area surrounding the testicles. Dogs tend to lick this area when it becomes inflamed or sore, resulting in blackened skin over time.

They will typically experience changes in their testes during puberty or after an injury such as a fight or accident involving another animal (such as another dog). This type of injury can cause inflammation and swelling, leading to discoloration of your pet’s testicles.

Sometimes dogs black-colored balls are caused by muddy paws. When the dog is walking through mud or dirt, their paw pads become wet, which turns their hair on them black.


If your dogs’ balls are black, and you’re wondering why are my dogs balls black? Probably, they have been infected by something then. Dogs change color most commonly when infected, and it occurs very quickly.

It is possible for dogs balls to turn black due to several types of infections, including:

When a dog’s color suddenly changes to black, it’s because something has gotten into its skin or blood. This can happen if your dog gets into something it shouldn’t have touched in your yard or at the vet’s office.

It could also be a reaction to an allergy or irritation caused by fleas or ticks, which may be carried by other dogs or cats around your yard.

The best way to find out what caused this change in color is to take your dog to a vet who can examine him and test for parasites such as fleas and ticks (you can also ask about other possible causes—such as allergies).

Why Are My Dog s Balls Peeling? | DogVela

Dogs are known for their goofy personality, wagging tails, and love for playing fetch. But what about their odd black balls? Most people have never seen this before and often wonder why they look that way.

Is it some kind of genetic defect? Or is there a more scientific explanation behind it? Let’s take a closer look at this mystery and find out what’s really going on.

Here are 8 possible reasons why your dog’s balls might be black and what you can do about it. Keep reading to learn more!