Your What can a dogs tail tell us? Simple and Effective Tips

A Dog’s Tail Position Has Meaning

The position of a dogs tail can communicate information about what that dog is thinking and feeling. Here are some examples:

  • Tail held high and still indicates alertness and the desire to portray dominance.
  • Tail held high and wagging shows happiness but also a state of alertness. The dog is cautiously excited but showing dominance.
  • Tail held between the legs indicates fear or submission.
  • Tail held straight out means that the dog is taking in new information and is so far responding neutrally.
  • If your dog’s tail is sticking straight out behind them then this means they’re feeling a little apprehensive about something. You dog may take this stance when they aren’t sure about someone new, or if they hear a strange noise that they’re unfamiliar with. Whenever you see your dog assume this position, just give them a little space to figure things out. But if you are outside with your dog and their tail begins to do this, grab onto their leash in case they bolt or have a negative reaction.

    What do you think about these dogs’ signs? How often do you see these different tail positions? Let us know!

    When a dog is scared or sad, they will stick their tail between their legs. This could be a stance they take when they’ve done something bad, like peeing in the house, and they’re feeling ashamed. Or if they’ve been scolded they may put their tail between their legs. Dogs will also assume this position when they’re scared about something. When this is the case, just calmly assure them that everything is okay.

    This one is the most obvious one. An actively wagging tail is a clear sign that your dog is happy. And more accurately, they’re happy to see you. And that is always a nice feeling to know that your dog wants you around.

    When a dog’s tail wags slightly it could mean several things. The first could mean that they’re hesitantly giving their approval about something or someone new. Or if they’re meeting a new dog then it could mean that they’re not sure whether they should assume the beta or alpha role. If this is the case, then remove them from the situation until they fully start to wag their tail.

    What does a wagging tail mean?

    When your dog wags his tail, is he telling you that he’s happy? Not necessarily! Canines know many variations of the “tail wag” and they all mean different things. In fact, a wag of the tail is one of the best methods of communication in the canine kingdom.

    Like human infants, dogs must learn their language. Pups aren’t born knowing what a wagging tail means any more than a newborn baby understands words. But when a pup is about a month old, he recognizes the need to communicate with his mother and siblings, so he picks up the lingo. The pup wags his tail to tell his littermates that he’s tired of playing or to tell his mother that he’s hungry.

    Interpret Dog Tail Wags: How to Understand Dog’s Body Language