What is prednisone 20 mg used for in dogs? A Step-by-Step Guide


Prednisone for dogs is primarily used for emergencies or anti-inflammatory diseases. Prednisone will often be given to dogs suffering from the following conditions:

  • Itching
  • Inflammation
  • Allergies
  • Ear infections
  • Pain
  • Cancer
  • Addison’s disease
  • There are many other situations in which prednisone can be prescribed, so this list is not exhaustive.

    The dosage for Prednisone depends on what condition your dog has, how much they weigh, and what type of Prednisone you’re using. An ideal dosage would be 0.5 milligrams per pound of body weight each day for anti-inflammatory effects. But if you need to suppress your dog’s immune system, you should give 1 milligram per pound. The chart below calculates the average dosages using this information.

    Weight (lbs) Daily Dosage (mg)
    10 5-10
    20 10-20
    30 15-30
    40 20-40
    50 25-50
    60 30-60
    70 35-70
    80 40-80
    90 45-90
    100 50-100

    Prednisone should only be given to your dog for a few days before they’re weaned off of it. Some vets might even recommend giving it every other day or every few days instead to lessen the risks.

    Prednisone isn’t always given in the same form. There are a few different options that could be recommended for dogs. Most commonly, Prednisone will be given to your dog as an oral tablet or liquid. The pills most commonly come in 10 mg to 20 mg tablets, while the liquid comes in 10 mL to 60 mL bottles. You can distribute both of these types with your dog’s food. In some cases, your vet might administer the medicine as an injection. If the inflammation is around your dog’s eyes, you can opt to use prednisone eye drops for dogs instead. These more obscure options will have different dosages, so listen closely to what your vet advises. All forms of this medicine will start working within one or two hours. So, you should start noticing improvements shortly after using it.

    Prednisone, like other steroids, can have side effects after use. Some minor side effects are quite common and will go away after your dog stops taking the drug. If your dog is taking the medication for longer periods or in higher doses, the side effects might be more severe.

  • Drinking more often
  • More frequent urination
  • Larger appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Behavior changes
  • Diabetes
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Yes, Prednisone is safe for dogs, but like any medication, there are risks involved. Don’t use it for dogs who are allergic to it or dogs with viral infections, ulcers, tuberculosis, Cushing’s disease, or systemic fungal infections (unless it’s being used to treat Addison’s disease). Use the drug with caution for dogs with diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, cataracts, high blood pressure, or kidney disease. It should only be used in emergencies for younger animals and pregnant animals because it can stunt growth or cause ulcers. If you need to use Prednisone for your dog, always follow your vet’s instructions closely. Never abruptly stop the medication, but instead, slowly transition off of it.

    The following medications could be dangerous if used with Prednisone or prednisolone:

  • Amphotericin B
  • Anticholinesterase
  • Aspirin
  • Barbiturates
  • Bupropion
  • CBD
  • Cholestyramine
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Cyclosporine
  • Digoxin
  • Ephedrine
  • Estrogens
  • Insulin
  • Ketoconazole
  • Macrolide antibiotics
  • Mycophenolate
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
  • Phenobarbital
  • Rifampin
  • Warfarin
  • To avoid any complications, discuss your dog’s medications with your vet beforehand. This drug isn’t generally considered dangerous for dogs, but it can be if not used carefully.

    The Prednisone cost for dogs depends on the type you use, the amount you need, and where you purchase it. Prednisone tablets usually come in 1-milligram to 50-milligram tablets. You can buy as many pills as your dog needs. 10 and 20 milligrams are the most common, so those are the prices you’ll likely see. One 10-milligram tablet will probably cost you between $0.15 and $0.30. A 20-milligram tablet will cost you between $0.17 to $0.32. If you want a liquid version instead, it will likely cost you more. Liquid Prednisone comes in larger bottles and can’t be purchased in individual doses. So, even the smallest bottles (15 milliliters) will cost you at least $15. It’s more common to find 30 milliliters or more, which would be $30 and up.

    Licorice : Interestingly, licorice has properties that work like steroids, although not as effective, but does not have many side effects. Medicinal licorice root is often used to treat swelling, itching, and digestive problems in otherwise healthy dogs. The candy licorice will not harm your dog, but the added ingredients are not suitable for long-term health. Coconut Oil : Coconut oil can help improve your dogs irritations. Coconut oil has natural antibiotic effects, and it may help reduce a mild infection caused by allergies. Coconut oil also has a lot of antioxidants, which will moisturize your dogs skin. The itching and irritation may be because the skin is too dry, so using coconut oil will provide relief. Coconut oil also has medium-chain fatty acids, which help improve arthritis symptoms. Fish Oil : This supplement can help reduce inflammation and itching. The best fish oil to take contains a high level of omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in cold-water fish. Your dog needs omega-3 fatty acids to be healthy. Turmeric : This spice has been used for thousands of years to fight inflammation caused by arthritis, cancer, pain relief, and skin allergies. You can purchase Turmeric in powder, liquid, or tablet form. CBD oil for dogs: CBD oil has been shown in some studies and clinical trials to help dogs with arthritis. The studies were small, but the CBD oil helped the dogs. A 2018 clinical trial gave dogs with osteoarthritis 2mg/kg of CBD twice a day, and the dogs comfort and activity improved. CBD oil may help your dog battle pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints and maintain healthy skin conditions. This will help them feel better and live more comfortably. References

    Im Chris; I started Relievet to help my dog Biscuit deal with her mobility issues naturally. Relievet is a family-owned business composed of a team of passionate pet parents that includes a Doctor of Pharmacy, a dog trainer, a writer, a psychologist, and more. We make natural products that help dogs maintain balance and deal with the issues they face, and we do our best to educate people on natural pet health. Beyond that, we are conducting research in hopes of improving the lives of many more animals.

    In a world of giant corporations, we favor the personal approach. Reach out to us any time, whether just to tell us your pets story or for your vet to consult with James, our in-house Pharmacist; we would love to hear from you.

    Why use prednisolone for dogs instead?

    Prednisone is converted into prednisolone in the canine’s liver, so although they are two distinct drugs, the names are sometimes used interchangeably. They are equally absorbed by the bloodstream and considered to be “bioequivalent” with the same essential functions. However, veterinarians may specifically prescribe prednisolone for dogs with poor liver function to avoid placing stress on the organ during the body’s conversion process.

    Both drugs are forms of synthetic forms of corticosteroids – a hormone that occurs naturally in canines and humans – however, neither drug is approved by the FDA for animal use. Nonetheless, prescribing the “off-label use” of prednisolone and prednisone for dogs is considered accepted practice in veterinary medicine. Neither are available over the counter, so you will need a vet’s prescription to buy them.

    What is the right dose of prednisone for dogs?

    As with all off-label drugs, you must follow a veterinarian’s prescribed dosage very strictly. They will recommend a specific dosage of prednisone for dogs based on the animal’s unique weight and medical condition.

    The steroid medication is usually administered orally in the form of tablets and liquid solutions, preferably with food to lower the chance of an upset stomach. If your vet prescribes dog prednisone once per day, it’s best to give it to your pet in the morning.

    When prescribed more than once daily, it’s important to remember each dose and administer them in regular intervals. If you forget a dosage of prednisone for dogs, administer it as soon as you remember, unless it’s almost time for the next dose. In that case, continue with the schedule as planned because you should never give your dog two doses at once.

    Some skin conditions, such as dermatitis and hives due to allergies, may be treated with a topical steroid cream. More severe conditions, including anaphylactic shock and Addisonian crisis, may require a steroid injection in a hospital setting. The medication takes effect quickly, usually within one to two hours, and improvement in symptoms should soon follow. It’s a short-acting drug that typically stops working within 24 hours, but the effects last longer in dogs with kidney and liver disease.

    It is important to know that Prednisone should never be stopped abruptly so if your dog is prescribed this medication by a veterinarian you need to follow the instructions carefully. Most veterinarians will prescribe it as a taper course that needs to be followed strictly.

    Your vet might monitor your canine companion to ensure that the medication is working properly. Recommendations related to monitoring will depend on several factors, including the condition being treated, duration of therapy, size dosage, and the dog’s overall health. Common monitoring practices with these medications include:

  • Bloodwork and urinalysis
  • ACTH stimulation tests
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Signs of swelling
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Potential adverse reactions
  • Prednisone for Dogs – Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects | Dr. Tammy Powell Deep Dive

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