Is it OK to fast a dog for 24 hours? Essential Tips

Intermittent Fasting for Dogs is Mother Nature’s Way to Enforce a Healthy Detox

Think about this. In the definition above, it was noted that fasting is a voluntary thing that people do for some reason, but in the wild, Mother Nature is in charge. So that means that wild dogs eat when there is food to eat, and when they are lucky enough to catch it.

The harsh reality is that wild dogs, wolves, coyotes etc., dont eat every day. So going without food, often for long periods of time, is a constant reality of their wild existence…but this is not all bad!

The good news is that Mother Nature has provided this natural, enforced fasting which serves as a healthy detox. This is a way for wild dogs to heal themselves, since they dont have me, you or the vet on hand to help.

When we permit Mother Nature and the dogs own body, to heal itself by using those things that have a normal relationship to life, we put into practice the principle laws of nature, known as natural hygiene.

How to conduct fasting in dogs

There is always the problem that it would be so hard looking at him sitting beside his food bowl. Of course it would, particularly if you’re eating his dinner. But he would get used to it and it could be very, very good for him. In fact, the conundrum may be if you don’t fast him he will, in fact, live for a shorter time!

It’s important to note here we are not talking about starvation. In fact, dogs are remarkably capable at going very, very long times without food. Back in the day when they could do horrific tests on dogs for the fun of it, scientists have on record dogs going more than 100 days without food, given adequate access to water etc. So don’t worry, neither you nor your healthy adult dog will die for want of food over the course of the day.

Is it OK to fast a dog for 24 hours?

There are two ways to fast (you or them). One is the old-school whole day fast (two days in humans is even better. I did it a few times and you can taste the fruity ketones after 24hrs. Burn baby burn!). In this case, quite simply, your dog won’t get fed one day a week though he has full access to limitless fresh water. But he doesn’t lose this food entirely. If your dog eats 1kg of fresh, biologically appropriate raw dog food each day currently, then you would simply up their daily feed to 1.1kg for 5 days and then perhaps give them 1.25kg either side of the fasting day. In this way your dog is still getting everything he needs, you just displaced it a little to allow the fast to do its thing. And no it doesn’t matter the size or breed of dog, they’re all the same on the inside.

The other way is even easier! Called intermittent fasting, it means giving your dog his food once a day (meaning he goes a long period without food) or giving him two meals but they must be within 6-8 hours of each other (which means he will still go 16-18hrs without food, which is the magic number, apparently).

Is it OK for dog to skip a meals?

It may be tempting to call the vet the second your pooch refuses dinner, but it’s perfectly natural and ordinary for some dogs to skip a meal or two on occasion. … If your dog goes more than 48–72 hours without eating anything at all, you should at least call your vet to inform them of the situation.

When it comes to fussy eating, remember that dogs will not normally starve themselves just because they are a bit choosy about their food (although if your dog goes 24 hours without eating anything, consult your vet). A thin appearance does not necessarily mean that anything is wrong.

Dog Fasting: Is Intermittent Fasting Safe For Your Pets? – Dr. Berg