What does my dog think about the cat? Here’s the Answer

Do dogs think they can be friends with cats?

In a classic dog-behavior study that answers the question of whether or not dogs can bond with cats, researcher H. Spurway revealed that the two domesticated pets actually fulfill each others deeply repressed instincts.

“I suggest that in European and American cities dogs and cats form a commensality in which the cats provide the stimuli releasing the chasing instinct of dogs, and dogs the stimuli releasing the flight instinct of cats, thus mutually satisfying otherwise starved drives,” says Spurway.

It turns out, when your dog chases your cat around the house — not only are they both getting a little cardio, but they are supporting one anothers mental health by triggering ​chasing​ and ​flight​ instincts.

Do dogs think that cats can be good friends? Yes, and we have photographic evidence to prove it.

Science of Dogs Behaving Like Cats

What does my dog think about the cat?

The science behind dogs thinking they are cats is mostly to do with behavior and influence. The dog does not literally sit there thinking they are a cat. However, what they may do is display certain feline trains because of the influence of having cats around and the impact this has on their behavior.

We’ve all heard the stories about little babies being rescued by wolves or other wild animals and then behaving like wolves even when they are brought back to human society. Well, this works in pretty much the same way – your dog will display behavior that it is most used to. If your dog doesn’t hang around with cats, they are unlikely to show any feline behavioral traits.

You Have Cats in the Home

What does my dog think about the cat?

Another reason you might have a “puppycat” around the house is that you have cats in the same home as your dogs. Dogs mimic behaviors that they see in humans and other animals.

Your dog could see your cat lying in the sun and think to themselves, “Hey, that would be fun too!” Or, your dog might watch your cat clean itself and think that might be a fun thing to try. While a dog might not think to do any of these on its own, it might get inspiration when it sees a cat doing something.

Naturally, the behaviors that each dog picks up on will vary. However, if you notice your dog starting to act like your cat, that could be the reason why!

What does my dog think about the cat?

Some dogs are just naturally entirely independent creatures. This personality trait isnt the norm, but its not altogether uncommon either.

Greyhounds, Basset Hounds, Maltese, and poodles can all be relatively independent dogs. That independence often appears very cat-like to their owners – especially if they have familiarity with felines.

If your dog naturally has an independent personality, there often isnt much you can do about it. Like humans, some dogs prefer more company, while others prefer less!

A Cat’s Inner Thoughts

Ever caught your dog sitting next to the window, staring out into the abyss? Or playing with a big ball of yarn? Or anything else the family cat would usually do? Then your dog belongs in this list.

Below, Bored Panda has put together a list of dogs that are convinced that theyre cats. From chilling in the cat condo to climbing a tree – all of these dogs have done the most adorable cat things and its hilarious. Keep on scrolling to check out the pics and dont forget to vote for your favorites!