60 Lb Dog Ate 200Mg Ibuprofen

Can dogs take ibuprofen? Let’s not bury the lede here, folks. There are no circumstances under which it’s a good idea to give human medications to your dog. The only exception is if you have explicit instructions, including appropriate dosages, from a veterinarian who has examined the dog and taken into consideration the dog’s weight, age and condition. Where painkillers like ibuprofen are concerned, there is a razor-thin margin between what may give them pain relief and what will cause worse, unrelated health issues. But … what if your dog ate ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs is a big problem, one exacerbated by the mundane, everyday nature of the medication. Over-the-counter pain relievers — whether the active ingredient is ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen or otherwise — are incredibly common. For my own part, I keep bottles of Aleve in strategic locations throughout the house so that I never have to look long when the need arises. It is just this convenience that poses the greatest threat to our dogs — and cause dog guardians to Google things like “Help! My dog ate ibuprofen …”

What is ibuprofen toxicity?

For dogs, ibuprofen can easily exceed toxic levels. Ibuprofen has a narrow margin of safety in dogs. Signs of toxicosis can occur when as little as half a 200 mg pill is given to a 25 pound dog.The most common cause of ibuprofen toxicity is a well-meaning owner trying to alleviate pain in his dog. The owner administers a dose he thinks is adequate without knowing that it’s a toxic dose. The most common toxic effects are to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, kidneys or liver.

My Dog’s Treatment For Ibuprofen Poisoning

I called the vet — just to make sure I shouldn’t induce vomiting or something first.

Before I could even finish my sentence over the phone, the receptionist at the vet’s office said, “You need to get her here right away.” So I did.

By the time I got to the veterinarian, it had been about 45 minutes since my dog ate the 200 mg capsule of fast-acting Ibuprofen.

They rushed us into a room, got her weight & vitals, and the vet administered 60 ml of Toxiban.

Toxiban is a black liquid (activated charcoal) that bonds to toxins inside the body. The veterinarian put the Toxiban into a huge syringe and forced it into my dog’s throat. (They said she took it better than most dogs usually do.)

It cost a total of $60 for this 20-minute vet visit and treatment.

My dog recovered well after eating a 200 mg Ibuprofen pill. There were no adverse effects from the Toxiban or from the Ibuprofen itself. (Her poop looked like black tar for a little while, but the vet said to expect that.)

I’m told dogs that are on medications are likely to experience more serious complications from the Ibuprofen mixing with their regular meds.

Severe symptoms if your dog ate ibuprofen

The more pills a dog ingests, the more dramatic the symptoms as time passes and the medication makes its way through the bloodstream. If your dog ate ibuprofen, the severe symptoms of ibuprofen or naproxen toxicity are:

  • Disorientation, loss of motor coordination
  • Stomach damage, ulcers and perforations in the stomach wall
  • Kidney damage
  • You’ll see that these symptoms involve a certain set of internal systems, notably the digestive system and the central nervous system. Should a dog ingest enough pills, and should it take too long for the dog to receive medical attention and emergency treatment, the results of the symptoms enumerated above can reach their logical conclusions: kidney failure, coma, even death.


    Will one 200 mg ibuprofen hurt my dog?

    The short answer to that question is no, you cannot give ibuprofen to your dog unless your veterinarian specifically instructs you to do so. This includes brand names of ibuprofen, such as Advil, Motrin, and Midol. This drug is highly toxic to dogs and can easily cause poisoning.

    How much ibuprofen can a 60 pound dog have?

    The safe dose of Ibuprofen for dogs is 2.2 milligram per pound (5 milligram/kilogram) a day, divided into two administrations. Some manuals prefer to err on the side of caution and recommend doses of between 1.1 and 1.8 milligram per pound (2.5-4 milligram/kilogram) every 12 hours.

    How long does it take for ibuprofen toxicity to show in a dog?

    Signs of toxicity (particularly gastrointestinal symptoms) can be seen 2-6 hours after ingestion. However, serious complications may not be seen for 4-5 days post-ingestion.

    Can I give my 60 pound dog ibuprofen?

    It’s okay to give your dog certain human drugs, like Benadryl, but many medications may be dangerous for your pooch, including ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is not safe for dogs and can lead to stomach or kidney damage, or even death in some cases.