Dog Licked Raid Ant And Roach Spray

If youve got pesky pests around your home, you may be thinking about taking the sticky situation into your own hands and killing them with an insecticide. One of the pest control products you found is Raid, which kills ants, roaches, bed bugs, and flying insects.

While youd love to spray Raid Ant & Roach Killer or another one of their products around your home, you arent sure how your pet will react to it. You dont want to bring anything that could be toxic to them into your space.

Before using Raid, its best to discover how it could be harmful to your pet and what you could do to ensure your pet doesnt get hurt or have to go to the veterinarian for treatment.

Raid is not toxic to your dog or cat unless they ingest it. Some clear signs that your pet has ingested it and is now poisoned include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, coughing up blood, collapsing, a racing heart, strange behavior, and pale gums. Dont try to induce vomiting or give him treatment yourself. Instead, take him to the veterinarian immediately so he can get the proper medicine he needs to recover.

However, even if your dog or cat didnt ingest Raid, they may still be allergic to the ingredients in it. Contact with Raid could cause your pets skin to become irritated. If you notice your pet is scratching or has a rash, then call your veterinarian and ask what to do.

The active ingredients in Raid are Cypermethrin and Imiprothrin. Other ingredients include Ammonium Benzoate, Isobutane, Isopropanol, Petroleum Distillate, Propane, Sorbitan Oleate, water, and fragrance (in scented products). Ingredients in each Raid product will vary somewhat depending on the product type and scent.

What would happen if a dog licked raid spray?

If a dog licked the spray, it would need to ingest a considerable amount of the chemical for poisoning to occur.

The amount of poison ingested would depend on how many raids were sprayed and how long the dog licked it.

It’s important to know that different dogs are affected by chemicals differently, which means that each dog may react differently from another dog in this situation.

It will take anywhere from 15 minutes to 4 hours for symptoms to appear in your pet after ingestion.

These could include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, or foaming at the mouth—all signs that something is wrong with your pup!

If you find these symptoms in your pet after they have been exposed to pest control products like Raid or other pesticides; contact your vet right away so they can begin treatment.

Learn More:

Raid is a common household insecticide.

It’s safe to use around humans, but how does it affect dogs? The short answer is: it depends on the type of insecticide, the amount, and the health of your dog.

The EPA classifies many active ingredients found in pesticides as low toxicity (they are considered less harmful than chemicals such as furans).

The EPA also recognizes that some strains of certain species are more susceptible than others – for example, dogs can be affected by poisonings while cats are not affected at all or only mildly affected by some poisons.

Generally, however, if you have an indoor cat or small dog that has been exposed to a large amount of Raid (such as through licking), vomiting may occur within an hour or two after exposure, and seizures may follow within 24 hours.

If this happens to call your veterinarian immediately because sometimes animals can recover from pesticide poisoning with veterinary treatment.

However, there is always risk involved when treating animals so see if there was any information printed on the label first before taking action!

Causes of Insecticide Poisoning in Dogs

Insecticide poisoning is caused by the direct application or by accidental consumption of the insecticide. There are many types of insecticides, including:

  • Carbamate insecticides – the easiest way to identify poisoning caused by carbamate insecticides is through the acronym SLUD (salivation, lacrimation, urination, and diarrhea)
  • d-Limonene – a 5x-10x increase in d-Limonene treatment will induce muscle tremors, mild hypothermia, and hypersalivation.
  • Methoxychlor – although one of the safest insecticides, it has known negative reproductive effects and is not safe to use on animals that produce milk.
  • Pyrethrins or pyrethroids – pyrethrins have been used as a popular insecticide for years, its effective by attacking the sodium channel as well as chloride and calcium channels. This effect exacerbates the impact when reaching toxic levels in dogs. Cats are especially sensitive to pyrethrins and applying a pyrethrin product meant for a dog to a cat can prove fatal.
  • Insecticides are often used to help prevent fleas and ticks on dogs. Though these can usually be applied topically without harming your dog, they may still be dangerous if an adverse reaction occurs or if your dog ingests the insecticide. A residual insecticide applied to plants or feed may also harm your dog if eaten or otherwise absorbed.


    What happens if my dog licks Raid roach spray?

    Raid is not toxic to your dog or cat unless they ingest it. Some clear signs that your pet has ingested it and is now poisoned include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, coughing up blood, collapsing, a racing heart, strange behavior, and pale gums.

    Can Raid Ant Killer harm dogs?

    Raid Ant and Roach Killer spray is safe for use around children and pets when used as directed. Its effective, plant-based formula is made with essential oils, including lemongrass extract and pine tree derived geraniol. Raid Ant and Roach kills different types of ants, roaches, and other crawling and flying insects.

    How long is raid toxic to dogs?

    When spraying, you should keep the windows open. At a minimum, you should keep your pets out of the area for fifteen to thirty minutes. That being said, if you have sprayed down a large area with a lot of Raid Ant Spray, you should try to keep your pets away from the room for about two to four hours.

    What happens if a dog drinks raid?

    Agitation. On rare occasion, dogs that may be more sensitive to pyrethrins/pyrethroids, are exposed to bifenthrin, or ingest a large or concentrated amount, can develop more severe signs such as tremors, twitching, shaking, incoordination (difficulty standing or walking), weakness, seizures, and rarely, death.