Fortnight Lily Poisonous To Dogs

While lethal lily poisonings are rare in dogs, lilies are still considered to be poisonous to our canine companions. You should be aware of lily toxicity in dogs so you can help keep your pets protected.

Here’s everything you need to know about lily poisoning in dogs, including the types of toxic lilies, signs of lily toxicity and treatment methods.

Are Fortnight Lilies Poisonous? Although not highly toxic, certain parts of the fortnight lily are poisonous to people and most animals. Ingesting parts of the fortnight lily plant can cause stomach pain, vomiting, and other unpleasant symptoms, but it is rarely life-threatening unless a copious amount is consumed.

What to do if a dog eats lilies?

If your dog eats any part of a lily plant, they will probably show signs of gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. If your pooch has eaten a lily and they seem unwell, you must contact your vet for advice.

Plant Can Be Particularly Harmful to Cats

Lilies are very popular plants with large, prominent flowers that are often fragrant and come in a variety of delightful colors. These tall perennials typically flower during spring and are in high demand due to their beauty and affordable cost.

The plant is also well associated with the Easter holiday; you may notice the deluge of Easter lilies at grocery stores and greenhouses during this time of year.

What you may not know is that lilies can be extremely deadly to pets, particularly cats. Identifying which lilies are toxic is important to your pet’s safety.

Why does my dog eat lilies?

Causes of Lilies Poisoning in Dogs

The true lilies contain colchicine alkaloids, which cause damage to the blood cells, leading to organ failure, and eventually death if left untreated. Other lilies have insoluble oxalate crystals, which cause irritation to the skin and intestinal system.


Are fortnight lilies toxic to dogs?

It is however a poisonous plant that can threaten the lives of both dogs and cats. This plant and its bulb contain cardiac glycosides, a toxin that can cause vomiting and life-threatening heart problems. This can lead to long-term, permanent damage in pets including changes in heart rate and heart rhythm.

Is fortnight lily toxic?

Parts of the fortnight lily are toxic, and can cause stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and skin irritation might occur after the plant is handled. It therefore is important for one to wash his or her hands immediately after handling this plant.

What do I do if my dog eats a lily?

All parts of the lily plant are toxic to both dogs and cats. That includes the pollen and stamens, the flower petals, sepals, leaves, stems, and bulbs. The bulb is significantly more toxic than the rest of the plant.