Kangal Bite Force Vs Lion

Well, there is a dog called the Ovcharka Caucasian Mountain Dog which, theoretically, can kill a lion. As an adult, males can weigh from 50 to 100 kg (110–220 lb) and grow to be 72 to 90 cm (28–35 in) tall.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large livestock guardian dog breed from the Caucasus Mountains, commonly bred in the mountainous regions of Transcaucasia, especially in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

The Kangal Shepherd Dog is a breed of large livestock guardian dog in Sivas, Turkey. Originally the breed served people of Anatolia for thousands of years and continues to be a popular dog breed in Turkey.

So Lion normally has more powerful and muscular body but a kangal has just a stronger point than lion the bite force. Kangal has a bite force from 660 PSI and Lion from 600. But at other points Lion is stronger and canwin against kangal easily.

The Rhodesian ridgeback is a strong, muscular, balanced and athletic dog. He is capable of great endurance with a fair amount of speed. Males range in height from 25 to 27″ (85 pounds, 38 kilograms) and females from 24 to 26 inches (70 pounds, 32 kilograms).

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was recognized by the AKC in 1955 and is its 110th breed. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-large dog originally bred in southern Africa to hunt large game, including lions. The Rhodesian Ridgeback was previously known as the African Lion Hound.

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Let’s take a closer look now! It may surprise you to hear, but the average lion only has a bite force that averages 650 PSI, making it significantly less powerful compared to the bite of the Kangal. However, lions have extremely sharp and powerful claws, as well as larger jaws and teeth compared to the Kangal.

What Is a Kangal’s Bite Force Compared to Other Animals?

Even though a Kangal has the strongest bite force of any dog breed, his bite pales in comparison to the Saltwater Crocodile. These crocodiles have a bite force of 3,700 PSI! A list of some animals with the strongest bite forces include:

  • American Alligator- 2,125 PSI
  • Hippopotamus- 1,800 PSI
  • Bull Shark- 1,350 PSI
  • Gorilla- 1,300 PSI
  • Polar Bear- 1,200 PSI
  • Grizzly Bear- 1,160 PSI
  • Hyena- 1,100 PSI
  • However, there are other predatory animals that are considered by many to be dangerous whose bite forces aren’t as strong as a Kangal’s.

  • Lion- 650 PSI
  • Grey Wolf- 406 PSI
  • Cougar 350 PSI
  • As you can see, a Kangal has a stronger bite force than the main animal that they were bred to protect livestock from in Turkey: the gray wolf.

    Tigers are solitary animals that live and hunt alone. Unlike lions, who team up on prey, tigers are ambush predators who have evolved to take down prey alone. Their agility, stealth and powerful jaws which have a bite force of 1050 pounds per square inch have made them perfect assassins of the jungle. They are also the only terrestrial predators who are actively hunt huge predators by themselves and have been known to drag large prey up to a mile before feeding.

    If there is one animal that you don’t want to see out in the woods while camping, it is definitely the Grizzly bear. Grizzly bears stand 7 feet tall, weigh up to 600 pounds, have knives for claws, are capable of running 35mph and can deliver a staggering 1,200 pounds per square inch. They have all the tools necessary to absolutely obliterate you. Not something you want to think about when you’re camping in the great outdoors.

    Unbeknownst to many, the hippopotamus is the one the world’s most dangerous animal. It is estimated that hippos kill approximately 500 people each year in Africa. They can weigh up to 4000lbs and are highly aggressive animals. When hippos feels threaten, it opens its mouth 180 degree wide, like its yawning, and that’s a sure sign that you should get as far away as possible. Disregard this warning and you will feel the full force of 2000 pounds per square inch breaking you in half! Not only that, they will slash you with their tusk and swing their enormous head at you like a bulldozer. Maintain your distance!

    While you might think they king of the jungle with its razor sharp teeth would have a devastating bite force, it is far from being the strongest. A lion’s bite force measures in at 650 pounds per square inch. One possible explanation for why a lion’s bite force is not as substantial as other big cats is that lion’s hunt in groups. A deadly bite is not necessary when you have 10 other lions piling on top of an unlucky prey. Don’t being mistaken though, one chomp from a lion is a really bad day for anything unfortunate enough to fall into its grasp.

    A jaguar has the strongest bite of all cat species. The bite force measure in at an astounding 2000 pounds per square inch, which is double that of a tiger and three times that of a lion’s! When jaguars hunt they deliver a swift and fatal bite straight through the skull of it’s prey. They are capable of piercing the armor-like skin of a caiman, which it regularly preys upon. They don’t discriminate when it comes to food and regularly eat javelina, deer, bighorn sheep, birds, turtles and the list goes on. More than 100 hundreds species have been recorded in their diet.

    The Rhodesian Ridgeback was recognized by the AKC in 1955 and is its 110th breed. The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a medium-large dog originally bred in southern Africa to hunt large game, including lions. The Rhodesian Ridgeback was previously known as the African Lion Hound.

    So Lion normally has more powerful and muscular body but a kangal has just a stronger point than lion the bite force. Kangal has a bite force from 660 PSI and Lion from 600. But at other points Lion is stronger and canwin against kangal easily.

    The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large livestock guardian dog breed from the Caucasus Mountains, commonly bred in the mountainous regions of Transcaucasia, especially in Azerbaijan and Georgia.

    The Rhodesian ridgeback is a strong, muscular, balanced and athletic dog. He is capable of great endurance with a fair amount of speed. Males range in height from 25 to 27″ (85 pounds, 38 kilograms) and females from 24 to 26 inches (70 pounds, 32 kilograms).

    Well, there is a dog called the Ovcharka Caucasian Mountain Dog which, theoretically, can kill a lion. As an adult, males can weigh from 50 to 100 kg (110–220 lb) and grow to be 72 to 90 cm (28–35 in) tall.


    Can a Kangal bite break bones?

    “The Kangal Shepherd is a Turkish breed of dog that is known for its large size and impressive strength. With a bite force of 743 PSI, this breed is the undisputed king of the canine world when it comes to raw power.

    Which dog can fight with lion?

    Since a Kangal’s bite force is only 743 PSI, it is highly unlikely for his bite to break a femur. However, it is possible that a Kangal could break a smaller bone, such as a bone in the finger or hand. Even so, a bone isn’t likely to break due to just the bite from a dog.