Can Dogs Eat Pork Neck Bones

A nice cut of pork makes for a delicious meal. Whether you’re chowing down on pork chops or smoked ribs on the barbeque, you may find yourself with leftover pork bones at the end of your feast. As per usual when you’re nearing the end of a meal, your dog arrives on the scene. But does this mean your dog can eat them?

Before you know it, he gives you the most soulful puppy eyes while eyeing your leftovers and licking his lips. You don’t want all those bones to go to waste. Why not give them to the dog? They seem like a tasty treat for Fido, so why not go for it?

Actually, there are actually several reasons this isn’t a good idea! Similar to chicken bones and steak bones, pork bones are not recommended for dogs, especially if cooked. Keep reading to learn more about why you shouldn’t share these table scraps with your pup.

Why Aren’t Pork Bones Safe for Dogs? Pork bones, whether raw or cooked, are likely to splinter and crack when your dog chews on them. Your dog might attempt to swallow small pieces of the pork bone, which could lead to choking, intestinal blockages, or damage to the esophagus or intestines.

Dogs Who Shouldn’t Eat Neck Bones

Neck bones are an excellent treat for most dogs, but they aren’t right for everyone. Due to their high fat content, dogs who need a lower fat diet shouldn’t consume them.

This includes dogs with pancreatitis and those who are overweight or obese.

Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. The pancreas releases digestive enzymes. When it’s functioning properly, these enzymes activate in the intestines.

When a dog has pancreatitis, the enzymes activate as soon as they are released. They then cause damage to the pancreas and nearby organs, essentially partially digesting them.

This causes pain and stomach upset for the dog. Severe cases can cause organ dysfunction as well.

The cause of pancreatitis isn’t completely understood. Some dogs seem to be more susceptible than others due to their genetics. It is known that a high fat or high carb diet can trigger or worsen pancreatitis.

Dogs with the condition should avoid eating neck bones due to their high fat content.

Obesity is a big concern for pooches today. Over half of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Obesity is the most common preventable disease in dogs today.

When dogs need to lose weight, they are placed on a reduced calorie diet. Fat in itself won’t make your dog fat. However, fat has twice the calories that protein does.

This makes it an excellent energy source for active dogs. However, when a dog is overweight, this is because they are consuming too many calories. Since fat has a high calorie content, it must be reduced when reducing calorie intake.

There are several types of neck bones that are popular with dog owners. Chicken necks, turkey necks, and beef necks are commonly fed to dogs as treats.

Many owners prefer to give their dogs fresh necks. You can also choose dehydrated necks. These should be either freeze dried or dehydrated using low heat to prevent brittleness.

Dehydrated necks have a long shelf life. Fresh necks should be fed within a few days, or frozen until ready to use.

Can dogs eat raw neck bones?

Yes, you can feed your dog raw neck bones. In fact, raw bones are recommended for dogs. However, there are a few potential issues to be aware of when feeding your dog raw neck bones.

Step 2: Clean Up

Clear up any spilled trash or bits of bone to make sure that your dog, and any other dogs in the house are safe. Make a note of what appears to be missing. It may be necessary to put your pup in their crate, or in a room while you do this. Make sure they can’t find any more leftovers to ingest.


Can dogs eat neck bone?

Beef Neck Bones are a favourite with many dogs and can be used as a meal replacement bone. This meaty bone is a great meaty option, giving your dog something to keep them busy for hours. Feeding Guide: Recommended for medium to large dogs.

What bones can dogs eat pork?

Always feed raw pork bones and never give your dog cooked pork bones. This includes smoked bones that are often sold in pet stores. Cooking causes bones to dry out, so they’re more likely to splinter and create sharp edges or dangerous bone fragments.

Are pork bones toxic to dogs?

Pork bones are dangerous and can cause death for dogs because they can splinter and damage internal organs. You should avoid feeding your dog cooked or uncooked pork bones. While pork meat is not on the list of fatal foods for dogs, you should be wary about feeding pork to your dog because of its high fatty content.

Can I give my dog a smoked neck bone?

Put simply, pork neck bones may be safe, even though other types of pork bones should be avoided. There are other types of neck bones that are known to be safe, including chicken, beef, and turkey necks. You may want to avoid pork necks in favor of these other options.