My dog, Brutus, had a very large skin tag develop over the course of a few years before we finally got it removed.
When our dog Brutus was 11 years old, we noticed a skin tag growing between his front legs. We visited the vets and were told that it wasnt harmful, but to keep an eye on it. Two years later, the skin tag had grown into a four-inch (10cm) dangling droplet of floppy skin that was truly unsightly.
I started to notice whilst out walking with him that perfect strangers would stop and stare at him, and children would laugh. Brutus didnt much care either way—if it got him an extra scratch behind the ear, he was a happy boy. I, on the other hand, started to find it embarrassing, I felt like these people were judging me and wondering why on Earth had I not gotten that thing removed?
I checked the tag every day for bleeding. However, it always felt cold to the touch, leading me to believe that there couldnt be much blood flowing into it. You can see in the picture below how large the skin tag was prior to taking him to the vet (you can see it just behind his left armpit laying on the carpet).
How long does it take for skin tag removal to heal?
It normally takes about 1 – 2 weeks for a dog skin tag removal to heal. If you notice any redness or inflammation in the area after surgery, contact your vet for advice.
Diagnosis – Knowing If It’s Serious or Not
The slow growth of skin tags usually means you will not notice them hiding under your dog’s fur until they become so big that they peek out. Signs uncharacteristic of skin tags include pain, discoloration, abnormally rapid growth or swelling.
Have your veterinarian check these lumps, bumps or growths that you see on your dog. Most lumps can wait until your next regular vet visit, but any lumps growing rapidly, causing irritation or in a sensitive area should be checked sooner.
An exam that includes looking at a possible skin tag will cost anywhere from $30 to $80. Your veterinarian will also check your dog’s basic health during this exam. This includes taking a heart rate, temperature, and feeling the abdomen.
Your veterinarian may be able to determine the type of lump simply by looking at it. They may also recommend a procedure called fine needle aspiration.
The mass will be poked with a needle in several locations. Material from the mass will be placed on a slide for cytology.
If your veterinarian is confident looking at the cytology themselves, this can cost as little as $15. If the slide needs to be sent out to a specialized laboratory this will cost $90 to $150.
What Happens After Your Dog’s Skin Tag Has Been Tied Off:
Bruce explained to me the following things:
So as you can see from the next two photos, I willingly gave up my Superman t-shirt for him to wear. Personally, I think it looks better on Brutus than it ever did on me!
After skin tag removal, putting your dog in a t-shirt is recommended.
How much does it cost to remove a skin tag from a dog?
Can I remove my dog’s skin tag?
How does a vet remove skin tags?
Can I tie a string around my dog’s skin tag?