Can a dog get brain freeze from eating ice cream? Find Out Here

What Brain Freeze in Dogs Might Look Like

All over the internet you can find videos of cats, dogs and even otters seemingly experiencing brain freeze headaches. Their eyes widen, sometimes they open their mouths wide, making them look surprised. Since humans and dogs are mammals, its not unreasonable to consider that these furry friends, just like humans, might experience brain freeze when enjoying a cold treat. Speaking to PetMD, Dr. Zachary Glantz, VMD notes, “A brain freeze in humans is technically called a sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia, which essentially means pain of the sphenopalatine nerve. It occurs when one of the blood vessels in the mouth or throat is cooled rapidly by something in the mouth (e.g., ice cream) which causes some dilation of blood vessels, which is perceived as pain.” Humans, unlike other mammals, have higher cognitive functioning and know to eat cold treats at a slower rate or to stop and take a break if they get brain freeze. Dogs and other mammals may not know what is causing the pain and tingling in their nerves, and therefore may need humans to intervene and help put a stop to the brain freeze.

How Can Your Dog Get a Brain Freeze?

Your dog can get a brain freeze. Just like us, canines have blood vessels and nerves in the mouth. When they ingest something cold, the palate is suddenly cooled, resulting in nerve response from the rapid constriction of blood vessels.

The local vasoconstriction of the blood vessels sends pain signals through the trigeminal nerve, which causes the face-contorting instant pain.

How do you get rid of brain freezes?

If you get nailed by brain freeze, act fast. If possible, remove the cold food or drink from your mouth, and press your tongue or your thumb against the roof of your mouth. Drinking warm water can help, too.

pitbull eats whole icecream cone and gets brain freeze

Although traditional ice cream is not recommended for dogs, there are many other acceptable frozen treats made specifically for dogs. … However, dogs often eat very quickly, and it is likely they could get the brain freeze sensation.